

  • OK I have cheered up now - suprisingly I may have overreacted a tad. Think it just boiled down to the fact it didn't even taste that good and if I was gonna blow extra kcals I would have preferred it to be on something else. Now the question is do I throw the remainder down the sink or ask if my housemate wants it? The…
  • I know, it seems a bit silly. Just that felt like a bit of a rant about it. Honestly thought I was going to cry when I found out. Should I just drop down my kcals tomorrow to make up for it?
  • Diet coke!! I know it is acceptable calorie wise but I want to drink it so much I sometimes miss out on enough water so have had to really limit it. Kinda sucks though!
  • Can you not make a salad or wholemeal tuna/chicken sandwich in the morning and take with you? If you have time to nip to McDonalds then buy a healthy sandwich instead?
  • Am glad you see where I am coming from - I guess it is more of an emotional response rather than physical. Hence why I feel that fruit will just not solve it because its not the hunger I am trying to stop, in a way I wish i was hungry as would be easier to solve. Usually i would just take myself to bed but I have tons of…
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