

  • For sure. I like doing lots of different exercises plus I can easily get my friends or my sister to do it with me.
  • Haha that's awesome! I'm okay at it but I used to be better. It's soo much fun, thanksss :)
  • A great workout album is Rock Steady by No Doubt. They alwayssss get me going, no matter what kinda mood I'm in. Gaga is always great too, of course :)
  • Mhm! Thank you for the inspiration :) I'm gonna need it. But day 3 and things are still running smooth. I'm having fun cooking and working out sooo hopefully I continue to enjoy it. Shouldn't get too boring though, there's lots of options.
  • Raisin Bran Crunch is my favorite, I could eat it all day :) I also like pretty much all cheerios and Honey Bunches of Oats (not sure if they're too good for you though?) I was gonna get some Kashi today, maybe on my next shopping trip.