Dance Dance Revoliton!

Since I don't have any exercise equipment at home and can't drive to the gym, I've been playing DDR on workout mode. Just wondering if anyone else does this. It counts my calories based on my weight and how well I do on the songs. On a basic-difficult level set of songs, I burn around 100 calories.


  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    I have a friend that went from 250 down to 180 doing DDR, granted he was once crowned "best in the nation" in a vegas competition, so he did it 24/7. But it worked and he looks great! At least your having fun while losing weight. Good luck!
  • eastsidelove
    Haha that's awesome! I'm okay at it but I used to be better. It's soo much fun, thanksss :)
  • babygurl65
    My neice did this for a while before joining a gym and she lost about 20 lbs. The most important thing is to get up and move. If it's something you enjoy doing...that makes it even better !!
  • eastsidelove
    For sure. I like doing lots of different exercises plus I can easily get my friends or my sister to do it with me.
  • bby_baer
    I don't have it yet, but it is definitely on my "I want" list! I do have the Wii Fit Plus and have been having lots of fun doing that. On average I burn about 350 calories playing games for just one hour. I love it and love the fact that the fun you have doing it is enough to get you motivated. Whenever I look at my treadmill I'm just like "Ugh.", but when I look at the Wii it's more like "Okay! Let's do this!!"
  • nali_12
    nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
    I have done this too! It's definitely a fun way to burn calories. I find if I jump around inbetween moves and songs I burn even more. It's a fun way to mix up your cardio workout!
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    I used to play DDR on workout mode all the time and I loved it! I think it's a great form of exercise because it really gets you up and moving and your heart can sure get pumping! Have fun!!!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I used to love playing DDR. I got pretty good at it too in high school.. now i stink again. :laugh: I may pick up again when I have the space in my apartment when at graduate school.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I still love DDR, I haven't played in ages. Whats funny is when I was younger I was much heavier. I enjoyed it but I just couldn't move fast enough. Now, I am tearing it up when I visit my friends' house :)
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    i have a ps3 and when you hook the ps2 ddr pads up to it it doesnt always recognize your movements...but i still play and i love it. i should play lots more. way more fun than wiifit
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    Great idea! I haven't played for a while but I have a DDR pad for my XBox 360. It's fun!!
  • kvang9
    kvang9 Posts: 9
    I really like DDR as well. However, I'm not sure how accurate the calorie counter is. I sweat and have a much tougher workup on Wii Biggest loser and according to Wii Biggest Loser calculation, I still burn less Calories on Biggest Loser than DDR.

    But DDR is still FUN!
  • Kizster
    Kizster Posts: 13
    I really like DDR as well. However, I'm not sure how accurate the calorie counter is. I sweat and have a much tougher workup on Wii Biggest loser and according to Wii Biggest Loser calculation, I still burn less Calories on Biggest Loser than DDR.

    But DDR is still FUN!

    I second this. I ADORE DDR. At one point, I lost 30lbs playing it. Gained it all back and then some, so now I'm here! I just started playing it again today and I love it.

    But I'm not fully convinced on the calories burned. I do a 30 minute workout on Wii Fit and am told I burn about 350 calories but I don't break a sweat. Then I play DDR for 25 minutes and am sweating, and it says I lost 200 calories. I'm not sure which of the two is off, but something's up here. I'm gonna eventually get a HRM to figure it out. =D
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    i really dont think we should worry THAT much about whether the calorie counter is right on the game and worry more about having fun and getting results
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    What's Dance Dance Revolution? Obviously, I don't do it , :laugh: .....yet!

  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    a video game thats been around for a long long time where you step on arrows on a pad to go with the beat of different songs. you can play on many different levels of difficulty and theres a workout mode that counts your calories. very awesome stuff
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I don't play all that often anymore, but I spent an hour in workout mode tonight - whee! I did about 20 minutes on standard, 20 minutes on heavy, and another 20 on standard. Lots of fun, but I do think that it overestimates calories burned.

    Great workout, and so fun you forget it's a workout. :wink: