

  • Yes. I say that all the time. I know you THINK you are being helpful and supportive- but you are not. Sometimes I just need to wallow in my misery and loneliness
  • How long has it taken you to lose the 91lbs? Yes I want to punch people in the face when they are like mmm just don't eat mcDs! I don't freaking eat junk! I've probably been eating a 1500 calorie diet for years and still gained about 8lbs per year. And of ourse the "lazy" comments...aghhh I'm just tired! It's not my damn…
  • I love that book. I have 2 copies, both are highlighted and have post it's all over it. I think everyone with a thyroid issue should read that book, it is a good basic springboard for what we need to know and it points you in the right direction in terms of what you should be researching and watching out for. The main…
  • I for one agree with the author. If we have learned anything from this "complication" to our metabolism , it is that our bodies are not "normal" anymore. Why in gods green earth would following the normal recommended 1200 calories to lose for me? Hey. It may work for you. Lucky you. It does not work for me. I…
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