ShelbysMama Member


  • Is there such a thing? LOL! :) I'm a blackberry addict. My grandparents have them in their yard, and I was no longer the bucket holder - need I say more. :) LOL But on a serious note - freezing some is the best choice, that way you can always bring some out when you want them, and not let them go bad.
  • You're exactly right. I just went through a horrible divorce that ended in November of last year. My ex-husband was verbally and emotionally abusive. Not going in to any details. We had decided when we got married that we wanted 2 kids, we have 1 beautiful daughter, and after she was born, he said he absolutely didn't want…
  • During the last month, I've had extreme up and downs in my life. This past weekend my daughter was having swimming lessons, and my boyfriend and I wanted to go swimming with her. (Although I was TERRIFIED of getting in a bathing suit, I feel as big as a house) When I tried it on before the pool, dredding him seeing me in…
  • It is very frustrating. It was well worth it, but wish it would go away now... Just an annoying flap.
  • Awesome job!!!! It's so nice when your clothes get loose! Yay!!!!!:smile:
  • Greek Yogurt is high in protein as well. I think it has roughly 14 g protein. I eat the Chobani brand.