mandalackey Member


  • Totally and completely agree with muffintopminx. Why do a workout you hate when there are plenty of others that are just as good, and WAY more fun?! I love Turbo Fire too! It's my favorite!
  • I got Insanity for Christmas and was so excited about it. I had done it a few times before with friends, so I knew what I was getting into. I love it. It's an amazing workout. It's HARD! I think that anyone can start with it, even the most out of shape person. You just have to modify the moves to your ability, do what you…
  • See if you like any of these!
  • It was actually 6 pounds in 1 week. If I get some time tonight I will try to send you some of the meals from the 6 day plan. It's a matter of sitting down and typing them up...and with a two year old and a one month old...well, we'll see how much time I find - plus I still need to work out tonight! haha I will try though!
  • I actually just started Insanity last night, but Turbo Fire is my absolute favorite!! I've been doing it for about a year now. Chalean is super motivating and I love that they try to make it seem like you are part of the class! I'm really picky, especially with veggies, but a lot of the stuff in the TF book is really…
  • haha I guess this is too late since you already got Turbo Jam - I LOVE them both, but love Turbo Fire so much more! I know a lot of my friends that have done Turbo Fire with me, if they haven't had dance experience in the past, it was hard for them to pick up the moves. That being said, it's very "dancy" so if you aren't a…
  • I have been doing Insanity on and off throughout the past year, but never consecutively because I just had a copy from a friend. I would throw it in whenever I felt like doing it, but have mostly been doing TurboFire (LOVE!), a little bit of running, and a little bit of P90X. We bought the whole Insanity program for…
  • Awesome! Thank you! I'll have to try it out!
  • Is there a schedule for a TurboFire/P90X hybrid program? I would love to do the one with Chalean Extreme, but don't have that one and can't afford it right now. I do have both Turbo Fire and P90X though. Once I finish Turbo Fire I would like to do a mixture of the two...