Thanks girl :)))
Depends on what types of food you are eating and the frequency of your meals....
Seeing you all over the message boards :)
INDEED! Just do yourself a favor, add a few years to you're life by avoiding soda in general... Coke zero, diet coke... Whatever.
7 cute sunglasses :)
I was doing 1200 but hit a plateau so increased to 1660 but not hitting that, more like 1400 which works out fine for me. 10 more lb's to go and hoping to lose 1/2 lb per week.
Couple things I love to have for brekky: 1. plain oatmeal cooked with water then mix in almond milk, raw almond butter or peanut butter, 1/2 Banana (gotta watch that sugar) and cinnamon on top. 2. Whole wheat toast with poached egg (soft yolk), turkey bacon & 1/4 avocado on top. 3. Cinnamon raisin sprouted bread w/ cottage…
This is so awesome!