adrianmg Member


  • As some of the other posters have suggested, it is not just about your ability to pee it out. Google for "water intoxication" which can occur if you have too much water in a short space of time. Basically the change in dilution of salts changes the equilibrium at various places in your body where it's just osmotic pressure…
  • How hard are you working out, and do you have time to eat and wait before starting? I am doing something similar - rowing machine, run or bike most mornings, generally 25-40 minutes. I don't bother having anything first, except maybe some water. My reasoning - It takes me 10 minutes or so to get from getting out of bed to…
  • Radio 3 Early Music Show (BBC) - Clemens non Papa, apparently.
  • Think main differences are (i) FT7 can store more workout history, (ii) FT7 demarcates "zones" for fat-burn and cardio. (ii) is why I got one, but in practice I don't find it that useful. If you're logging as you go along (ie same day), then you may not need the history either. In hindsight I would have saved the money and…
  • As the other poster said, don't overdo it and you'll likely find a comfortable "zone" at which you can steadily make the whole distance. The only thing I would add (having just come in from my first attempt at a 5mile route, and only recently having started running) - be certain your running shoes are good and fit…
    in 8k run Comment by adrianmg July 2011