

  • The NP at my bariatric clinic wants me to decrease to 3 meals per day with no snacking or grazing. I've gotten down to 4 but am not yet ready to decrease to 3. Truth be told, I'd rather graze and have 5-6 small meals a day but was firmly told that can be a path to problems. I'll be at 6 months on 08/12.
    in Grazing? Comment by sue100194 July 2014
  • me too. Shake followed by a greek yogurt a couple hours later. Lots of protein early in the day. This morning I had egg beaters which was nice too, but I rarely have time to cook like that in the morning. Plus, it's a lot lower in protein so now I have to figure out how to make it up in dinner.
  • I was absolutely exhausted in the month - 6 weeks after surgery and my iron levels were fine. I think some fatigue is to be expected after major surgery and extreme caloric reduction. Hang in there.
  • I had gallbladder surgery last September which added another delay to my VSG surgery. But I will say that it was an amazingly easy surgery. It was an emergency procedure as I had a big stone that was blocking the bile duct and was in pretty severe pain prior to surgery. BUT I felt great right afterwards. :) Mind you, I had…
  • So.... in spite of all the anxiety and questions and fear, you are moving forward anyway! You have been doing the diet and losing weight and moving towards surgery. I think that's amazing and I think that it's your inner voice overriding your day to day voices telling you what you can and can't do. I had a lot of those…
  • The culprit for me was Unjury protein. That stuff made my mouth smell and taste terrible. I had to quit using it for the safety of my friends and family. LOL
  • I noticed at 25-30#. Noticed a lot more at 50# :) And at almost 100#, it's a world of difference.
  • I'm still mostly drinking decaf too at 4 months out. Sometimes I have a small cup of regular but I haven't been counting that as liquid. And I usually only count about half of the decaf in my liquids, if any. Actually, I only include it if I'm running short in my liquid count for the day. It's an 'oh yeah, I had that…
  • I bought ginger miso soup from trader joe's and mixed it with carrot puree soup (alson from TJ's), a scoop of PB2 and a scoop of unjury chicken flavored protein (make sure the temp is under 140 when you add this). It really made me happy to be drinking something that tasted something like Thai food.
  • Seattle(ish). Currently living just north of Seattle but am about to move south toward Olympia for a new job. Still in the beautiful Pacific Northwest
  • I suspect it's a lifelong battle but being aware of your triggers and being mindful of your eating choices and mood should help reign it in when it gets out of hand. I've never been truly self-aware but it feels like something I need to learn how to do in order to stay on my path. It seems so touchy-feely to check in with…
  • I love True Lemon products. The lemonades are really good and sweetened with Stevia. I order from the website to take advantage of their multipacks. I also like the 100% powdered lemon or the orange ginger to shake into my water, or use on a chicken breast. .
  • Yeah, I stay off the regular boards too and just follow the WLS ones. But having said that, I read the one that's referred to in this thread and I wasn't shocked or upset by it or even surprised. A lot of those comments were misinformed or were based on the 'outliers' or worst case scenarios, or based on their own…
    in How sad Comment by sue100194 June 2014
  • Great work! I settled on a doctor early on in my decision making process but my insurance company required me to change. I' can't say if that was a good or bad thing. The doctor that my insurance sent me to certainly was technically excellent and scientifically based, and used state of the art medical expertise (but I have…
    in Update Comment by sue100194 June 2014
  • I had my sleeve done during my last year in my Master's program after waiting almost a year. While I was frustrated with all the delays and requirements at the time, looking back I think it was a good thing. I lost over 50 pounds before surgery, figured out a number of things about my eating habits and triggers, and had…
  • I took almost 3 weeks off (my surgery was on a Wednesday) and the time just flew by. I probably could have gone back after 2 weeks but was glad to have the last week to have time to walk and drink and manage my protein intake and vitamins and meds, etc. I don't know when I would've found time to work and remember to do all…
  • Congratulations and it sounds like your exercise routine is really going well. You are an inspiration to me for certain!
  • Just a quick note from me..... I'm saving a lot of money on food in spite of the fact that I'm buying better quality food and individually packaged proportions. I've found a plus-sized consignment store and having been taking clothes there to sell, but have been spending all that I'm saving on food and all that I'm making…
  • Thanks all! Emma, you made me laugh out loud. Bikrchk is right. It was a second (moment or two) of horror. I had a couple bites of cake on Friday which a friend bought to celebrate my graduation but almost 4 pounds gained? I was horrified and scared straight. LOL. I've lost a pound and half of that water weight this…
  • 56 #! You've done well, I think. And I think everyone goes through stalls and plateaus. I know I do. Just trust the process and keep doing what you need to do. Check your measurements if you are really going crazy. Sometimes measurements change while weight stays the same.
  • Although I'm back to drinking coffee again, my habits have changed. I used to drink a pot every day - dark, black and caffeinated. However I've given in to the inevitable and bought a Keurig single cup machine so now I have my little cup of decaf, black coffee every morning and got rid of the big pot at a garage sale.…
    in Coffee Comment by sue100194 May 2014
  • ear plugs. Maybe I would've slept better :) I never used my Kindle either. Morphine makes it hard to concentrate.
  • A packet of tuna. Laughing cow cheese wedge. multigrain crackers.
  • Just because you can! I love it and congratulations. It does feel good doesn't it?
    in NSV! Comment by sue100194 May 2014
  • It's ok to be anxious's surgery! The facilitator of my support group gave this advice on Saturday - allow yourself 10 minutes twice a day to worry and be anxious. Then get on with your day and when the worries start creeping up - remind yourself that you've already done your ten minutes, or save it for the…
  • It's possible you are halfway or more to conquering the problem. You are aware of what's happening and by posting to the boards it sounds like you are ready to fight back and turn it around. Jump on it! You can do this!! :)
  • I've had a fitbit band for about a year and I love it. It is set up to automatically tell my phone and my computer and MFP how many steps I've taken during the day and emails weekly reports to me. The first band I had didn't last long (because there is only ONE way to insert the fitbit into the band and I'm a slow learner.…
  • For a change of taste, I heated up 3/4 cup of Trader Joe's carrot ginger cashew soup and added a quarter cup of (room temperature) ginger miso broth, then added a couple tablespoonfuls of PB2 powdered peanut butter. and then added a scoop of unflavored protein powder. Make sure the temp doesn't exceed 140 degrees or the…
  • Congratulations on your success! I think my favorite part was the "belly is god" and giving it "burnt offerings". Sounds like my cooking. :)
  • I had VSG on 2/12. It wasn't the easiest surgery I've ever had but much of that was due to the gas that they use to inflate the abdomen for the procedure. Gas rises and my ribs and clavicles hurt terribly for a few hours. I walked and walked but still had to wait out that pain. Once the gas was gone, all was well. The…