

  • Hi all, good to see everyone is holding strong. I realise now that I can no longer have 'rest' days. They get me so lazy! If I don't workout one day, I'll be tempted to skip my workout the next day. So I'll be doing some more workouts on my CLX rest days, hopefully. :tongue: I'm thinking of doing Banish Fat Boost…
  • Lol @ Chalene talking too much. I know what you mean, but it also motivates me at times when I think 'I really can't do this', and then like clockwork she encourages me to go on, etc., and then suddenly I *can* do it. :tongue: Does anyone else find it amusing when they go around giving each other high-fives and say 'give…
  • Hope you get better soon, brangwen. And hopefully your weight won't be affected too much by this. :wink:
  • duffyzmom: I loved it! It's probably my favourite workout, but then again my attitude to CLX had improved greatly by that point. I actually look forward to my exercises now, both cardio and resistance! I still have to work on my mentality DURING the workout though, lol, as I find it hard to really push myself when certain…
  • Lol everyone, I was actually thinking after the workout... how do people do ABS workouts after that?! Lol now I know I'm not such a push-over, hehe. Due to some serious bad planning today, I didn't get my workout in. =[ I'm so disappointed in myself, but I do intend to put it in tomorrow. Oh and because today I had my…
  • Hi all! I got my workout in today in the evening whilst my son was being babysat by my husband. :laugh: He's only 10 months, so he can be a bit distracting if he moans for attention, lol. I did the Burn Interval (week 1), and like a total dunce I forgot to do the Ab Burner! :sad: Maybe I can fit it in on my next rest day,…
  • Ok... working out this morning didn't work out, as my son woke up a little earlier than expected lol. But I'm planning on working out in the afternoon instead. No excuses, just gotta get a move on!
  • I haven't done the Ab Burner yet, but I've got a feeling it's goin to be so tough. One of my biggest weaknesses is convincing myself to finish something extremely hard. I'm a beginner to fitness and exercise, and push ups are a big weakness for me. I can barely do knee push ups lol. So I can only imagine how hard the Ab…
  • Hi everyone, Hope you don't mind me butting in. I'm doing ChaLean extreme too. I staretd it a couple of weeks ago, but due to some issues I got sidetracked, and now I'm starting over. I did day 1 of the Burn Circuit yesterday at 6:30am. It was tough, and I'm so sore today. Lol. I felt a little queasy afterwards. Today is a…
  • gummibaehr: Hmm, that's actually a good idea. I've tried to cutout using dressings altogether. I try to get as much flavour from my salads by using tomatoes, cucumber, maybe a squeeze of lemon. It goes well as a side dish.
  • Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone on here is doing the ChaLean Extreme workout, or has done it in the past?
  • Hi BrenNew, thanks for that. It was helpful. I'll try to read those links that you directed me to. Let me explain how I am planning to lose the weight. As for exercise, I plan to do the ChaLean Extreme workout. I've already done a couple of the workouts, and I understand how challenging it is. In fact, it's so challenging…