ChaLEAN Extreme



  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Brangwen: Welcome back. Stomach bugs are no fun!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Brangwen: Welcome back. Stomach bugs are no fun!

    No... they are most certainly not. I thought it was food poisoning, but when DH came down with it last night..... :noway:

    I've probably lost some weight this week, but not exactly how I'd planned. LOL Still trying to build my daily calories back up at this point.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Brangwen: Sorry to hear about your bug - Yuck! Hopefully it will clear out of your house quickly.

    Yogarunner: I know which Fall runs I am doing but I haven't been able to find a good May/June half due to my daughters travel Volleyball schedule. I was hoping to do 2 Halfs, 1-7k, and 1-10miler this year and I'm still considering another Full but probably a winter one because I don't really want to lose an entire summer training for a full. Maybe if my long runs were faster :laugh: I always like to think - hey I may not be fast but I'm burning a lot of calories in that 5 hours.:drinker:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Friday All! Finishing up Week 3 of the Push. Did my first Ab Extreme this week and wow that is extreme plus it seems to be really hard on my neck not sure if it is because I have weaker abs or if it is really just all the support you need for the ab work. Have a great weekend one and all.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Wow... OK so I think we're passing this stomach thing back and forth here... and around the office too...
    I'm on day 2 of round 2 now. :sick:

    Talk about a "cleanse" :noway:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry to hear about all the bugs going around... don't pass it off to me! haha!

    I don't really follow the ChaLean Extreme "Plan", other than I do the phases 3 times a week..but I like to add my own cardio inbetween lifting days. But, last night I tried the "Burn it Off", and holy cow! I loved it! I love that it just really gets your heart rate up there, and I pushed myself like I was in a Bootcamp or something. It was awesome! I secretly wish it was a little longer than 30 minutes. So, I did a good 20 minute warm up of a Turbo Kick routine I am working on to start teaching next month.

    The only beef I have with the LEAN phase right now is that Chalene is talking too much..haha! I love that woman to death...but when I am about ready to die she just keeps gabbing away as I'm huffing and puffing. Haha. Oh well, I still love her.

    hope you all have a fabulous Friday!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry to hear about all the bugs going around... don't pass it off to me! haha!

    Don't worry... I certainly don't want it back either!! :grumble:

    Maybe I should have weighed this morning, that could have been a moral boost (until I gain it back next week :laugh: )
  • duffyzmom: I loved it! It's probably my favourite workout, but then again my attitude to CLX had improved greatly by that point. I actually look forward to my exercises now, both cardio and resistance! I still have to work on my mentality DURING the workout though, lol, as I find it hard to really push myself when certain muscles are screaming in pain lol (not the injury type, just the 'bruning' sensation).

    Ok, type to 'fess up. I was staying away from home on the weekend - and hence was still in a lazy mood on Monday, so I missed Burn It Off & Recharge, and Burn Circuit 3. At first, I wanted to start over, but then I figured I'd never get through the programme if I started over everytime something happened. So on Tuesday I carried on from where I left off, and I plan to skip one rest day every week until I catch up (the Sunday one). I don't mind missing both rest days, but I think my muscles need time to recover between Burn Circuit 1 and 2.

    I'm in week 2 of the programme now, only 3 more weeks of this and I'm moving on to the Push phase, whoohoo!
  • Wow... OK so I think we're passing this stomach thing back and forth here... and around the office too...
    I'm on day 2 of round 2 now. :sick:

    Talk about a "cleanse" :noway:

    Hope you get better soon, brangwen. And hopefully your weight won't be affected too much by this. :wink:
  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    Hey everyone! Just checking in before I go do Burn Circuit 3 and some cardio... I think I'll do some Turbo Jam today. I did Burn it off on Wednesday along with Burn 2, holy crap! That was insane! Still struggling with holding onto the heavy weights for the lower body stuff but I can definitely tell that I'm getting stronger! :happy:

    Hope all is well with everyone and good luck with continuing on!

    Now its time to sweat. :sad: :grumble: :smile: (Mixed emotions.. lol)
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Running outside today :drinker: So excited that there is finally enough clear pavement that I can get outside. Sorry treadmill makers but I hate running on the treadmill.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone! :happy:

    After so much stuff, and roadblocks I am happy to say that my weights are purchased, my fitness test is done, and I proud to say me and the hubs are finally starting CL today!!!! Whew!

    I am going to loosely follow the fitness guide, but I am not sure what really to be eating???? Should I go crazy on the protein, or just try to hit my goal of 1500 cals a day and eat pretty clean???? I have never followed a really structured program before, and I want to make sure to do it right!!!!!!

    Do you guys do the protein shake thing before or after the workout????? I want to make sure I am nurishing my muscles correctly and have enough energy!!! :smile:

    I am SO ready to burn!!!

    BTW, I took my measurements, and almost jumped off a bridge....I have bigger arms and thighs than my husband 'gag'

    I had my hubs take the "recommended" pics and then download them on our computer and hide them somewhere lol

    I beat my husband's squat count by 23! And he was so funny in the elbow plank....he's like, "there is no way anyone can do that!" OMG LOL! He is from the "old school" of exercise, and doesn't even know what yoga is about!!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Melissa - glad to hear you are ready to start. Can't wait to hear how you feel about the program. I'm still loving it and looking forward to starting my last week of the Push phase. I really haven't been following her meal plans just counting calories and trying to make good choices. I do usually have a protein snack after work out and have increased my protein during the Push phase.

    I was able to get 2 outdoor runs in this weekend and it really lifted my spirits. I've selected a 25K to run in May so I'm really going to have to get back into cardio training with a vengence.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Morning all... finally feeling somewhat human again. Starting small tonight with a simple 30 min walk on the treadmill and still eating mainly chicken/rice/veggies.

    Melissa - I honestly don't think I've ever seen the actual food plan for CE... I borrowed the burn phase from a friend who's moved onward. :smile:
  • mmkovacich
    mmkovacich Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I am starting week 2 of the push phase. Wow the push phase is alot tougher than I thought it would be. Im going to need to buy heavier weights again. So far I like it and I also like the schedule. Do you guys use wowy? It schedules you for your workouts so you know exactly what to do on each day. Im going out of town for the weekend so I am switching my days up to allow myself the weekend off but that means no rest till then. How heavy of weights did you guys need? What other cardio do you guys use?
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Melissaovadare: Congratulations on your kickoff to using CLE! You will love it! As for drinking a protein shake before or after, I drink half of a Shakeology shake before the workout if I do it in the morning, and half right afterwards. My favorite is Peppermint Mocha! If I workout later in the day, I don't usually drink a protein/recovery shake. As my friend says, we will need to send a search party out to find your shrinking body once you have a few short weeks into doing CLE! Good luck!
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I am so happy to see that you guys are runners as well! This is my first step into trying to accomplish that. I have always wanted to be a runner, and after this program (and I get some cardio strength back) I am taking it to the streets :noway: I am scared :sad: , but I am going to do it to break the cycle of horrible knees in my family!!

    Melissa, I wish I could help but this is my first day :smile:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Morning all... finally feeling somewhat human again. Starting small tonight with a simple 30 min walk on the treadmill and still eating mainly chicken/rice/veggies.

    Melissa - I honestly don't think I've ever seen the actual food plan for CE... I borrowed the burn phase from a friend who's moved onward. :smile:

    Glad you feel better, that flu really wiped you out, huh?
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Glad you feel better, that flu really wiped you out, huh?

    Yeah! :noway:
    I don't get the flu but every few years but when I do... wow... I weighed myself yesterday and was down 6lbs... yeah I know I'll gain most of that back now that I've started to actually eat something more than crackers and powerade.... :laugh:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Ok, I'm getting myself confused with the many Melissa's here, LOL! So, I'll just respond randomly and hope you each know who I'm talking to!
    I don't use WOWY right now, but have thought about it. The idea of winning money for just logging my workouts in to the computer is tempting :happy:
    As for running, its a sport I've grown to really love over the past year. It's not easy, physically or mentally, but I really love the challenge and the feeling of accomplishment as I reach even the smallest of goals. Beating your family history of bad knees is a great idea. Be sure to go slowly when adding mileage though. No need to get injured.
    Glad you are recovering from the flu successfully. It really stinks to be put out of commission like that. I have found that since I began exercising regularly, I don't get sick anywhere near as often as my friends who don't exercise. So, here's hoping you will be completely back on your feet asap and able to get back to your routine, whatever it may be.
    As for my CLE routine, its been thrown off track a bit. I was away this past weekend for a family celebration. The celebration was wonderful, but unfortunately a very close family member of mine slipped on black ice, hit his head and is now in a coma. Please everyone, be careful out there if you are in an area of the country plagued by snow and ice this season. We are praying for his recovery.
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