ChaLEAN Extreme



  • ChaslovesBrian
    ChaslovesBrian Posts: 13 Member
    Getting ready to start the LEAN phase on Thursday. Any tips/ pointers or just encouragement? haha. I'm scared. :)
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Getting ready to start the LEAN phase on Thursday. Any tips/ pointers or just encouragement? haha. I'm scared. :)

    Hey Chas! I'm half-way done with the LEAN phase right now. You will really love it, as it does both arms/legs (similar to the BURN phase) at the same time as well as incorporating abs. The workouts are longer (45 minutes), and some of the moves I really have to concentrate on doing them correctly. I like doing core workouts because thats my weak spot- my middle section! With the LEAN it was hard for me at first because with the PUSH month I was going super heavy. And then I had to still go heavy on LEAN but failure was at 12 instead of 8. So, on some of the workouts I had to go back down in weights...but its still amazing.

    My only "beef" with the LEAN phase is that.... and I love Chalene don't get me wrong....but she talks to dang much on some of the workouts. I absolutely hate the shoulder workouts- I still do them...but they are my least fave- probably because I'm not as strong there. But, she keeps yacking away and telling me to concentrate..haha. Some days I want to cover her mouth. I love Chalene to death...but I also like to concentrate. I'd rather her be sweating and grunting than talking. Haha..anyways..just my two cents!!
  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    Hey everyone! Started week 4 of Burn today... feels good to know that I'm actually sticking to it this time! I am scared for the Push phase though I have to admit...

    kicklikeagirl - I think that too a lot of the time with Chalene and her talking! Lol, when she says things like, isn't this great? or You can do it, just push yourself, I'm like uh, no I can't right now and no this is NOT great. :laugh: But then after I like her again.. I really do love her too though.

    Glad to see everyones moving on and succeeding!

    Good luck this week! :flowerforyou:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Sooooo.....I finished Day one of the Burn Phase! Wow, I love it already....I know I will be sore tomorrow.....

    As soon as I was done, I did 30 min of dance cardio ( I need to get my "sweat" on hehehe)

    here was my only issue.....During some of the moves, my lower back hurt.......I tried correcting my form, but it was STILL hurting?!?!?!

    I am thinking it's because my whole core was shot when I had my son.....I mean, I used to be able to do 100+ crunches, and now I can barely do any..

  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Hey everyone! Started week 4 of Burn today... feels good to know that I'm actually sticking to it this time! I am scared for the Push phase though I have to admit...

    kicklikeagirl - I think that too a lot of the time with Chalene and her talking! Lol, when she says things like, isn't this great? or You can do it, just push yourself, I'm like uh, no I can't right now and no this is NOT great. :laugh: But then after I like her again.. I really do love her too though.

    Glad to see everyones moving on and succeeding!

    Good luck this week! :flowerforyou:

    So, how did you like the month? Did you move up in weight from Day 1???
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Where is everybody?? :sad:

    :grumble: :noway: :indifferent: :embarassed: .....Sorry, Ive never used those smileys
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Good morning all! Did a steady 2 mile walk on the treadmill last night, trying to get back into things. Doing good on my food the last 3 days, so HOPEFULLY I see some lasting results on the scale this week!

    Melissaovadare - I'm not sure about your back, maybe too heavy of weights?? I'm just throwing things out. I would "assume" having a baby would wreck your core muscles, but having never had one, I can't speak to that for sure. :wink:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Good morning all! Did a steady 2 mile walk on the treadmill last night, trying to get back into things. Doing good on my food the last 3 days, so HOPEFULLY I see some lasting results on the scale this week!

    Melissaovadare - I'm not sure about your back, maybe too heavy of weights?? I'm just throwing things out. I would "assume" having a baby would wreck your core muscles, but having never had one, I can't speak to that for sure. :wink:

    Yeah, I don't know...When I woke up, my back wasn't hurting so who knows!

    Glad you are getting back into the swing of things!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good morning all! Did a steady 2 mile walk on the treadmill last night, trying to get back into things. Doing good on my food the last 3 days, so HOPEFULLY I see some lasting results on the scale this week!

    Melissaovadare - I'm not sure about your back, maybe too heavy of weights?? I'm just throwing things out. I would "assume" having a baby would wreck your core muscles, but having never had one, I can't speak to that for sure. :wink:

    Yeah, I don't know...When I woke up, my back wasn't hurting so who knows!

    Glad you are getting back into the swing of things!

    Melissa--on the back issue. I noticed this when I first started. So, I brought a mirror in the room with me to make sure my back was in the correct form. It also helps if you tighten your abs. Because, since your abs are the muscles directly across from your back, as you flex your abs it helps make your back straighten (not arched) and then helps relieve some of the "achy-ness" in the back during exercise. I hope that makes sense. I'm finally beginning to realize this as I'm in the LEAN phase. I also ask my husband if my form looks its just hard to tell sometimes. But, keep those abs flexed. One way I find helpful to make sure you are flexing your abs correctly is to lay on the floor. Once you lay on the floor you will notice in the lower part of your back a space between your lower back and the floor. Flex your abs, and "imprint" your lower back onto the floor- that is the way your abs should be flexed during the exercise. Its hard at first, but you will strengthen your core tremendously...i promise!!! I'm so excited for you!! CE is awesome!
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    Good Idea, Dawna......I am notorious for not sucking in my tummy when I exercise........I am going to have my husband "police" my form when I am working out!

    Today is supposed to be rest day, but I am going to do a Jillian Michaels DVD today!

    Going to make lunch........:bigsmile:
  • CherryJellybean
    CherryJellybean Posts: 204 Member
    :smile: Hello im Nia
    Im currently doing Chalean Extreme and would love to chime in here if I can!

    Hope to get to know some of you!
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    :smile: Hello im Nia
    Im currently doing Chalean Extreme and would love to chime in here if I can!

    Hope to get to know some of you!


    So, what phase are you in??
  • I was thinking of getting ChaLean Extreme, could any of you tell me a little more about it though? Is it something that is for people who are already pretty fit? Is it more of a toning type thing or does it help you lose weight too? Also do you have to follow a certain diet or anything with it? I know with some other Beachbody workouts they want you to drink certain protein shakes or buy other products through them.

    I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (2 days into it) and I have about 75 lbs to lose. So that gives you an idea of my physical fitness level. I want to tone, but also need programs that help you lose weight too.
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I was thinking of getting ChaLean Extreme, could any of you tell me a little more about it though? Is it something that is for people who are already pretty fit? Is it more of a toning type thing or does it help you lose weight too? Also do you have to follow a certain diet or anything with it? I know with some other Beachbody workouts they want you to drink certain protein shakes or buy other products through them.

    I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (2 days into it) and I have about 75 lbs to lose. So that gives you an idea of my physical fitness level. I want to tone, but also need programs that help you lose weight too.

    The program is a circuit training AND cardio program, with abs as well..............As far as the nutrition, she recommends if you are over 180lbs (which I am) to have 1500 cals a day..........i personally try to have a balanced (40 percent protein/40 percent carbs/ 20 percent fat) plan, and I have my MFP settings to that....

    There is alot of weight training involved, and you have to purchase a set of weights (generally from 5's to 20's) and you are supposed to lose alot of fat while having lean muscle and not bulking up!

    I heard only fab things about it, so I can do it too, so my hubby has jumped on board......

    I have about 70lbs to lose (I want to be about 145lbs but have looked good in the past at 165) so I am supplementing Jillian DVD's on the days there is no cardio!!!!!

    I think I am going to do CE and then maybe move on to P90X or Insantity.....I have had friends do those programs, but I am not in good enough shape yet...I think Chalean is a GREAT place to start!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I was thinking of getting ChaLean Extreme, could any of you tell me a little more about it though? Is it something that is for people who are already pretty fit? Is it more of a toning type thing or does it help you lose weight too? Also do you have to follow a certain diet or anything with it? I know with some other Beachbody workouts they want you to drink certain protein shakes or buy other products through them.

    I am currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (2 days into it) and I have about 75 lbs to lose. So that gives you an idea of my physical fitness level. I want to tone, but also need programs that help you lose weight too.

    CLE definitely helps you lose weight because as Chalean says "Muscle Burns Fat, Baby!" It is really working for me. While many people buy weight sets to use with CLE it is not necessary. If you buy the DVD it will come with a resistance band and you can add resistance bands that have higher resistance if you need it. I don't think you need to be "already pretty fit" to do CLE. It is easy to modify and Chalean encourages modifications throughout the program. We all need to build muscle no matter our fitness level. I use Beachbody products and the thing I like is that if you have a good coach, his/her focus is on helping you reach your fitness goals, not just sell products.
  • Lol @ Chalene talking too much. I know what you mean, but it also motivates me at times when I think 'I really can't do this', and then like clockwork she encourages me to go on, etc., and then suddenly I *can* do it. :tongue: Does anyone else find it amusing when they go around giving each other high-fives and say 'give me some love!' Haha, that really puts a smile on my face. Kinda corny.

    Also... I noticed that after I do a workout a couple of times I no longer feel the next-day soreness. Does this mean I need to up the intensity/weights? Right now I only have 1.5 kg, 3kg and 5kg. It's frustrating because sometimes a certain weight is not heavy enough to reach failure, but the heavier weights I have are too heavy to make it to even 10 reps! But I won't be able to buy more weights for a few weeks at least.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I "restarted" back to Week 1 Day 1 last night... forgot how hard that first day is (and it's only been 2 weeks since I've done CE).... :laugh:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I "restarted" back to Week 1 Day 1 last night... forgot how hard that first day is (and it's only been 2 weeks since I've done CE).... :laugh:

    The beginning is always a good place to start LOL:smile:

    I did Boot Camp Cardio from Exercise TV yesterday on the "rest day" and today is Burn Circuit 2 :bigsmile: ......

    I hope CE changes my view on exercise...I know it is going to take a while, but I keep thinking that the circuits are not "working out" I feel like I need to be drenched in sweat and ready to die :frown: in order to feel like I accomplished something!

    Have a good Weds everyone!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Extremers!
    Last night I did a 15 minute Turbo Kick warm up...and then did my Burn Intervals. I just love that workout- it kills me! Tonight is a turbo kick warm up for 15-20 minutes...then LEAN circuit 3! yippie! I am SO excited! I am loving the lean phase because it really helps me focus on my core. I'm pretty sure I say that everyday I do I must apologize for repeating myself. I remember when I was a teenager I would get so annoyed that my mom repeated herself all the time...and now look- like mother like daughter!! :laugh: I am so hungry today...its a good thing I brought lots of snacks to work. It makes me excited...must be crankin up my!

    Strong Resolve- You'll probably need some more weights...but since you can't buy them at this time (I know how that goes—they are NOT cheap!! Arg…) to reach what Chalene says... and flex your muscles. So, contract your muscles and then use the weights on TOP of that...that should help get you to failure! Or, you can maybe use the heavy weights for the first 5 reps and then use the lighter weights to get to failure. You definitely want to reach failure because that will give you some great results! hope that helps

    Melissaovadare- I know what you mean about not being drenched in sweat. I typically do about a 15-20 minute warm up doing kickboxing or something like that to get my heart rate pumping, and then I typically sweat throughout the whole CE workout. It made me feel better about the exercise, and it also helped warm up my muscles and avoid injury. But, its all up to you! Way to go on doing some great exercises on your day off of CE!!

    Brangwen- its crazy how hard those workouts are after having missed a few days... that happened to me during Christmas break- I went to visit the fam across the country...and then came back and thought "wow, this exercise wasn't nearly this hard when I left"..haha..and it probably wasn't as hard before...but it definitely jump-started me back into the "CE mode"! :)
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Is anyone on the PUSH phase? I was just curious because I remember those boots Chalene wears..haha.. her style is so cute. I definitely can't pull it off. But, I love how she says "I'm probably going to regret these boots in 5 years" husband ALWAYS says "I already do". He thinks they are ugly...but hey- if I could look as good as Chalene does, I'd probably wear those funky workout boots..haha! Just a random thought.:bigsmile:
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