

  • I recently bought some 10 lbs dumbbells, too. I don't know what to do with just one though lol. I looked up arm and shoulder exercise routines for free on YouTube.
  • For me personally, I eat greek yogurt on a near-daily basis (I like it) and high quality protein shakes. I never drink cow's milk (coconut or almond milk) but it makes me very sick so that's why. I limit cheese and choose hard cheeses over soft. I choose frozen yogurt or sorbet over ice cream.
  • JeffPettis the reasoning behind limiting dairy is that it is a digestive irritant to a large portion of the population. We eat it on a daily basis so we are used to the side effects. For many they notice a dramatic decrease in sluggishness, bloating and some even experience a loss of bad cravings after a few weeks without…
  • Hey honey! Glad you're here! :) I am 5'7"and started at 201 lbs. I'm 169.8 lbs as of today. I agree with bwogilvie that diet is extremely important. Here are some rules I (try to) live by: - ALWAYS hit your water goals. Take your current weight, divide it by 2, and drink that # of ounces in water daily. Drink more if you…
  • Give yourself permission to eat more on those days, but still have a goal in mind. Example: If you eat 1200 calories all week, when the weekend comes you'll eat a meal you know will put you over 1200 for the day, and then you'll feel like, "Well I'm obviously over my goal so screw it." and then you eat whatever and as much…
  • You can gain a few pounds from eating a steady stream of carbs and dairy like you listed. Carbs turn into stored fat quickly, and man I was shocked when I found out how many calories are in 1 donut! =) But out of the 9 lbs, I would say maybe 1-2 lbs of fat and lots of water weight. I agree with the ladies about if you're…
  • I do standard planks, elbow planks, side planks, and what we call up, up, down, downs which is hard to describe. Superman, bicycles, leg lifts, scissors...
  • Hey hon, I have many inches to melt off before I can see abs. However, I started working my core 8 weeks ago and it seems like the muscle there draws the fat in more instead of just having it all hang out. :-P If I am going to go out somewhere, I'll do my core routine and it draws everything in. :-)