gained 9 pounds in 4 days!? HELP!



  • LunasTheLimit
    You can gain a few pounds from eating a steady stream of carbs and dairy like you listed. Carbs turn into stored fat quickly, and man I was shocked when I found out how many calories are in 1 donut! =) But out of the 9 lbs, I would say maybe 1-2 lbs of fat and lots of water weight.

    I agree with the ladies about if you're on your cycle it can be a BIG number gained on the scale. I will no longer weigh that week either! There's no point as long as I stick to my fitness and nutrition goals.

    As for you, I'd say rehydrate really well the next couple days. This actually helps your body stop retaining water, and watch your sodium intake. Binge days can be like another poster said - you're not getting enough calories OR you're not getting enough fat/protein on your non-binge days. Binge days for me are for emotional comfort. If you have a food addiction (like you eat 1 trigger food and suddenly you ate A LOT more) or you're an emotional eater, I would seek help like Overeaters Anonymous.

    "Cheat" days are okay, but binge days are not. =) I hope you take this all with a tone of encouragement and love because I've been there and I hope you reach all of your goals!

    Something that helps me stop binging is recording all of the food I WANT to eat in MyFitnessPal BEFORE I eat it, and then click "complete this entry" and when it says "If every day were like today you'd weigh: ______." If I'm not okay with that number, I don't eat it! ;-)
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    You misquoted me.

    The OP did not say she'd eaten 20 heads of lettuce or 75 cucumbers or 80 tomatoes or 10 cups of chicken breast or a combination thereof. She included calorie dense examples (donuts, cookies, cheese, and chocolate - and please note the plural use here, not singular). Yes, we can eat whatever we want in moderation and still lose weight...I'm assuming we all get the calorie deficit issue here but I see these posts every day - usually from young women who go on "diets' that aren't sustainable and have nothing to do with changing behavior for the long haul. They binge and gain back and then look for external causes (read "oh, what could it be?) instead of evaluating what they are doing (read behavior).

    So, yes, I stand firm behind my original post (not your misquote). What one puts in one's mouth impacts their weight. I think we can both agree on that.

    No, we can't both agree on that.

    How much one CONSUMES impacts their weight.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,719 Member
    I normally fluctuate 5 lbs with glycogen (which is stored with water) depleting and replenishing when I switch between eating at a deficit and eating at maintenance. Nice explanation of what is happening here.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    The first thing I would do is go back and read the 4 posts you made on this site again. Seriously.
    OP has been on an interesting journey.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    You misquoted me.

    The OP did not say she'd eaten 20 heads of lettuce or 75 cucumbers or 80 tomatoes or 10 cups of chicken breast or a combination thereof. She included calorie dense examples (donuts, cookies, cheese, and chocolate - and please note the plural use here, not singular). Yes, we can eat whatever we want in moderation and still lose weight...I'm assuming we all get the calorie deficit issue here but I see these posts every day - usually from young women who go on "diets' that aren't sustainable and have nothing to do with changing behavior for the long haul. They binge and gain back and then look for external causes (read "oh, what could it be?) instead of evaluating what they are doing (read behavior).

    So, yes, I stand firm behind my original post (not your misquote). What one puts in one's mouth impacts their weight. I think we can both agree on that.

    No, we can't both agree on that.

    How much one CONSUMES impacts their weight.

    I stand corrected. I missed the part where she's spitting out her food.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    The first thing I would do is go back and read the 4 posts you made on this site again. Seriously.

    Good Catch! It's the same post as last week.
  • LeanneGoingThin
    LeanneGoingThin Posts: 215 Member
    I gained 5 pounds in a week, then lost 14 pounds in 3 days after that. Water weight.
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    I had 2 off the chart days and did bad and put back on 8lbs, I then lost it all again in 2days without doing any extra exercise and just back on my normal cal goals.

    Sometimes I lose 4lbs overnight or put on 6lbs after breakfast. It goes up and down like mad so unless you can learn to laugh at it and just see the average over a week then don't weigh as often.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    So in one post it was gained 9 lbs in 4 days and another it was gained 9 lbs in 5 days...and the stories in both of those are completely which story is it? Not trying to be mean, just asking.

    Then one post is about fasting but the other is about getting out of starvation mode? But in one of your weight gained posts you've been binging...

    Please see a medical doctor to help you. No one on these boards are qualified. I'm sure you've heard all this before...

    And before anyone tries to "slam" ya go...

    TOPIC: gained 9 pounds in 4 days!? HELP! Sat 08/17/13 01:57 PM
    so for 4 days i ate more than i usually do. I didn't count calories but I didn't binge or anything. i did have things i never do though, like cookies, donuts, cheese and chocolate. its been a week since my last day of over eating and my weight still hasn't returned to where it was before! I have been constipated for about 2 weeks and my periods is kinda all over the place, could any of these be contributing to me not losing the weight?

    oh and before when i used to have one binge day, i would gain about 2-4 pounds but i would lose it in like 5 days. so I'm kinda panicking now!
    Joined Jan 2013
    Posts: 4

    TOPIC: I gained 9 pounds in 5 days! help! Sun 08/11/13 09:03 PM
    my doctor put me on concentrated estrogen pills and she never explained the side effects. apparently one side effects is weight gain! it does though water retention and causes the body to store fat by inhibiting thyroid function and other ways that i don't care to type out. also, I have been over eating for the past 4 days cause it the pills increase your appetite too. I usually eat around 1300 calories and wen i have a free day where sometimes i binge eat, I gain like 3 pounds the next day but it goes away in a couple days. but ive never gained 9 pounds! and im worried taking the pill for 5 days is going to make it stick. i was 135 before and now im 144. will the weight go back down if i go back to eating like before? any advice? im kinda panicking here! oh and im 5'5" if that matters.
    Joined Jan 2013
    Posts: 4

    TOPIC: intermittent fasting? Thu 07/25/13 08:30 PM
    so I just found out about this IF diet and the more i read about it, the more confused i get! there are so many different ways to do IF and each one has mixed reviews. IF goes against everything I've read about weight loss and metabolism and its messing with my head. anyway, I've stopped losing weight with restricting calories (i eat around 1300 cal a day) and ive been stuck at 134 pounds for 2 years now. so my goal is weight loss, I'm not necessarily looking to build muscle, i just want o get rid of excess fat.

    so I'm just looking for advice on which IF style diet to try out. any review/info on these diets would help out cause my head i just spinning from all the search i did on all the different kinds. lean gains seems to focus more on the muscle gaining aspect rather than weight loss, right? I was leaning more toward eat stop eat. has anyone tried ESE?
    Joined Jan 2013
    Posts: 4

    TOPIC: how to get out of starvation mode? Thu 01/31/13 05:03 AM
    weight: 132 pounds
    height: 5'5"
    gender: female

    ok so im not sure if i am in starvation mode or not...I count calories but I don't really know the exact calories of the stuff i eat, so i do an estimate and i usually undercount. anyway, i think I've been eating somewhere around 1000-1200 everyday, expect on saturday when i let myself eat whatever i want (i guess it's binging for a day?) i have s small meal every 3 hours and I eat healthy foods and haven't cut out any food groups. so i've been doing this for a year now and I've only lost about 7 pounds. now I'm obsessing over wether i've been starving myself or not! i don't want to mess up my metabolism (i genetically have a slow one to begin with) oh and I get hungry; like I'm not always satisfied with what i eat. but thats a good sign, right? it means my body isn't in starvation mode where it's learnt to survive on low energy?

    so what can I do now? I want to lose weight nit maintain by eating so little. should i up my calories? how much weight will I gain if I do? would this weight gain actually fat or would it just be water weight which i can easily loose again?
  • JasonT1973
    JasonT1973 Posts: 229 Member
    Unless you are eating buckets of lard, you are probably holding TONS of water weight from an overload of salt. I would say, calm down... and eat simple foods with lots of fluid for a few days. (simple= 3 ingredients of less)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Either being constipated or having irregular periods could be contributing. Just go back to tracking and eating normally and be patient. You'd have to have eaten an extra 7,875 calories above your TDEE on each of the 4 days in order for that to be fat gain. My bet is that it's a combination of water retention and food in your digestive tract, and maybe a little fat if you ate over your TDEE.

    This. You didn't gain 9 lbs in 4 days. It's water and extra food in your body.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    One post you are 18, your profile says 19...I'm thinking you're underage...

    Oh and in another post you're only 2 lbs from your goal yeah, there's that too.

    Your weight is 134 in one post...132 in another...and your profile says you want to lose 17 lbs.

    Please see a medical professional to help you with this. You probably don't need to lose any, you might just need to tone up. But a medical professional can help.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    So in one post it was gained 9 lbs in 4 days and another it was gained 9 lbs in 5 days...and the stories in both of those are completely which story is it? Not trying to be mean, just asking.

    Then one post is about fasting but the other is about getting out of starvation mode? But in one of your weight gained posts you've been binging...

    Please see a medical doctor to help you. No one on these boards are qualified. I'm sure you've heard all this before...

    And before anyone tries to "slam" ya go...

    TOPIC: gained 9 pounds in 4 days!? HELP! Sat 08/17/13 01:57 PM
    so for 4 days i ate more than i usually do. I didn't count calories but I didn't binge or anything. i did have things i never do though, like cookies, donuts, cheese and chocolate. its been a week since my last day of over eating and my weight still hasn't returned to where it was before! I have been constipated for about 2 weeks and my periods is kinda all over the place, could any of these be contributing to me not losing the weight?

    oh and before when i used to have one binge day, i would gain about 2-4 pounds but i would lose it in like 5 days. so I'm kinda panicking now!
    Joined Jan 2013
    Posts: 4

    TOPIC: I gained 9 pounds in 5 days! help! Sun 08/11/13 09:03 PM
    my doctor put me on concentrated estrogen pills and she never explained the side effects. apparently one side effects is weight gain! it does though water retention and causes the body to store fat by inhibiting thyroid function and other ways that i don't care to type out. also, I have been over eating for the past 4 days cause it the pills increase your appetite too. I usually eat around 1300 calories and wen i have a free day where sometimes i binge eat, I gain like 3 pounds the next day but it goes away in a couple days. but ive never gained 9 pounds! and im worried taking the pill for 5 days is going to make it stick. i was 135 before and now im 144. will the weight go back down if i go back to eating like before? any advice? im kinda panicking here! oh and im 5'5" if that matters.
    Joined Jan 2013
    Posts: 4

    TOPIC: intermittent fasting? Thu 07/25/13 08:30 PM
    so I just found out about this IF diet and the more i read about it, the more confused i get! there are so many different ways to do IF and each one has mixed reviews. IF goes against everything I've read about weight loss and metabolism and its messing with my head. anyway, I've stopped losing weight with restricting calories (i eat around 1300 cal a day) and ive been stuck at 134 pounds for 2 years now. so my goal is weight loss, I'm not necessarily looking to build muscle, i just want o get rid of excess fat.

    so I'm just looking for advice on which IF style diet to try out. any review/info on these diets would help out cause my head i just spinning from all the search i did on all the different kinds. lean gains seems to focus more on the muscle gaining aspect rather than weight loss, right? I was leaning more toward eat stop eat. has anyone tried ESE?
    Joined Jan 2013
    Posts: 4

    TOPIC: how to get out of starvation mode? Thu 01/31/13 05:03 AM
    weight: 132 pounds
    height: 5'5"
    gender: female

    ok so im not sure if i am in starvation mode or not...I count calories but I don't really know the exact calories of the stuff i eat, so i do an estimate and i usually undercount. anyway, i think I've been eating somewhere around 1000-1200 everyday, expect on saturday when i let myself eat whatever i want (i guess it's binging for a day?) i have s small meal every 3 hours and I eat healthy foods and haven't cut out any food groups. so i've been doing this for a year now and I've only lost about 7 pounds. now I'm obsessing over wether i've been starving myself or not! i don't want to mess up my metabolism (i genetically have a slow one to begin with) oh and I get hungry; like I'm not always satisfied with what i eat. but thats a good sign, right? it means my body isn't in starvation mode where it's learnt to survive on low energy?

    so what can I do now? I want to lose weight nit maintain by eating so little. should i up my calories? how much weight will I gain if I do? would this weight gain actually fat or would it just be water weight which i can easily loose again?
    No slam from me and your advice is sound.