gained 9 pounds in 4 days!? HELP!

so for 4 days i ate more than i usually do. I didn't count calories but I didn't binge or anything. i did have things i never do though, like cookies, donuts, cheese and chocolate. its been a week since my last day of over eating and my weight still hasn't returned to where it was before! I have been constipated for about 2 weeks and my periods is kinda all over the place, could any of these be contributing to me not losing the weight?

oh and before when i used to have one binge day, i would gain about 2-4 pounds but i would lose it in like 5 days. so I'm kinda panicking now!


  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Track your calories as accurately as you can, even on binge days (if possible).
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I agree track cals, also drink lots of water, eat lots of fiber and exercise. In other words get back on will come off just will take time and some work
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    You can't gain 9 lbs of fat in 4 days, stop worrying.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Either being constipated or having irregular periods could be contributing. Just go back to tracking and eating normally and be patient. You'd have to have eaten an extra 7,875 calories above your TDEE on each of the 4 days in order for that to be fat gain. My bet is that it's a combination of water retention and food in your digestive tract, and maybe a little fat if you ate over your TDEE.
  • LosingWeightStinks
    The first thing I would do is go back and read the 4 posts you made on this site again. Seriously.
  • purplepopsicles
    The nine pounds you gained is probably just water weight. The amount of water your body stores is determined by a number of factors, including hormones and you can expect it to fluctuate.

    This is one of the many reasons why the amount of pounds you weigh is far less important than your body fat percentage

    In other words, don't worry about it :)
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    You won't have gained 9lbs of fat in 4 days so don't panic.

    What does worry me though is that you appear to have regular 'binge days' (you mention that it's only a week since the last one.)

    'Binge days' are a symptom of having too great a calorie restriction on other days and having big lists of 'no no' foods. Inevitably will power will cave and you'll go from having too little to too much.

    Instead, try for a modest restriction in calories and working a little bit of what you fancy into your daily calorie goal so that you don't feel deprived and have the need to binge eat.
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
    It could be anything, or a combination of all of it. Each 3500 cal of overeating gives you a pound. You've had very high cal food as you know so, gaining weight would be expected. Try to sort out the constipation issue then weigh in again.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    ...cookies, donuts, cheese and chocolate...could any of these be contributing to me not losing the weight?

  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    so for 4 days i ate more than i usually do. I didn't count calories but I didn't binge or anything. i did have things i never do though, like cookies, donuts, cheese and chocolate. its been a week since my last day of over eating and my weight still hasn't returned to where it was before! I have been constipated for about 2 weeks and my periods is kinda all over the place, could any of these be contributing to me not losing the weight?

    oh and before when i used to have one binge day, i would gain about 2-4 pounds but i would lose it in like 5 days. so I'm kinda panicking now!
    "cookies, donuts, cheese and chocolate" will contribute to weight gain.

    So does lettuce, cucumber, tomatos, chicken

    your point?
  • inksyrup
    inksyrup Posts: 81 Member
    You probably did gain some weight, but trust me, it's not nine pounds. A pound at the most.

    A lot can contribute to fluctuation on the scales--remember that food carries weight in your stomach. If you're eating more than you're typically used to, it'll show. And since you mentioned eating cookies, cheeses, doughnuts, etc, sodium could be another culprit.

    Drink a lot of water for the next few days as you go back to your normal routine. It'll go away, I promise you. :)
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I notice you say 'I didn't count calories' - that will help A GREAT DEAL.

    Go to the FOOD button on the menu bar and log every morsel that passes your lips. It will all make sense soon enough.

    This time last week I didn't know there were 2000 calories in half a carrot cake! By which time it was too late.

    One lives and learns...

    Jenny x
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    There is no point in panicking. Keep your sodium under 2000 mg for a few days and drink eight or more cups of water per day. That will take care of the fluid retention. Work on getting somewhere around 25 grams of fiber, and along with the water, that should help with the constipation. If not, try some magnesium citrate. Once you take care of those two issues, you'll be fine.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member

    So does lettuce, cucumber, tomatos, chicken

    your point?

    You misquoted me.

    The OP did not say she'd eaten 20 heads of lettuce or 75 cucumbers or 80 tomatoes or 10 cups of chicken breast or a combination thereof. She included calorie dense examples (donuts, cookies, cheese, and chocolate - and please note the plural use here, not singular). Yes, we can eat whatever we want in moderation and still lose weight...I'm assuming we all get the calorie deficit issue here but I see these posts every day - usually from young women who go on "diets' that aren't sustainable and have nothing to do with changing behavior for the long haul. They binge and gain back and then look for external causes (read "oh, what could it be?) instead of evaluating what they are doing (read behavior).

    So, yes, I stand firm behind my original post (not your misquote). What one puts in one's mouth impacts their weight. I think we can both agree on that.
  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    I don't know where you may be on your cycle, but I gained 10 lbs. in two days over the last weekend, and have managed to get it all off now that my period is more less over. I didn't change my diet, and continued to workout, but still gained all that excess weight. Try and focus on your calories, continue your workouts and DRINK LOTS OF WATER, then revisit the scale next week.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Either being constipated or having irregular periods could be contributing. Just go back to tracking and eating normally and be patient. You'd have to have eaten an extra 7,875 calories above your TDEE on each of the 4 days in order for that to be fat gain. My bet is that it's a combination of water retention and food in your digestive tract, and maybe a little fat if you ate over your TDEE.

  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I don't know where you may be on your cycle, but I gained 10 lbs. in two days over the last weekend, and have managed to get it all off now that my period is more less over. I didn't change my diet, and continued to workout, but still gained all that excess weight. Try and focus on your calories, continue your workouts and DRINK LOTS OF WATER, then revisit the scale next week.

    I have a similar issue with my TOM. I won't even weigh myself during that week anymore because it can be a little upsetting!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You can't gain 9 lbs of fat in 4 days, stop worrying.

    This. It's actually scientifically impossible to gain that much that fast. Your body can fluctuate 3-5 pounds a day. Relax. It's probably just water, or if it's your TOM then that's a possibility as well. Up your water intake (I know that sounds crazy if you are retaining water, but it helps.)
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    That is a terrific amount of weight in a short period of time Weight can move up and down by 2 pounds daily, It suggests water retention to me. Water retention can cause one to bloat and it could be tied into a monthly cycle,
  • thegilly6
    thegilly6 Posts: 137 Member

    So does lettuce, cucumber, tomatos, chicken

    your point?

    I find that when I eat these types of food, especially the chicken, they tend to stay with me longer than donuts, cookies and chocolate. They're better calories thus I won't be craving more food again right away.