

  • the tummy area is often the last and hardest to lose. you really have to be very strict with your clean eating to see takes a lot of time. took me nearly a year to get a flat stomach again.
  • having ONE beer isn't going to do anything.
  • when i upped my cals, i started losing more fat. whether or not that changed the scale, i don't know since i don't go by weight but i definitely noticed a difference in my waist line (smaller). i don't live by my numbers; i know what my caloric range is but i also listen to my body. when i workout hard (when i do double…
  • it definitely alters your body and your metabolism. i know that after having my daughter and being in my mid-30s, my metabolism has changed (slowed down). i've had to change the way i workout and be very disciplined with my food in order to see results. it's def not as easy to lose weight as it was when i was younger.
  • 1) be sure to use a clean towel during every workout 2) the second you finish your cooldown, jump in the shower or if no shower, wash your face 3) drink lots of water daily. when you start exercising, the toxins are flowing through your body and the first thing you notice it is through your skin. this is why water is so…
  • no reason to wait! i would start some kind of program that will guide you on what to do if you're not sure. i did p90x and now doing body beast and love both programs. when i first started, i did insanity to burn most of the fat off; lifting only further burned the fat and now my midsection is gone. there are definite…
  • i run often and also lift heavy 5x/week.
  • i lost all my weight and gained all my muscle from working out at home. i still do :)
  • i eat most of my cals during the day so by dinner, i'm not that hungry. as for willpower, you do have it. there's an association to dinner and overeating that you have which you must break. walk away and sit in another room (temporarily) until you can break that association. or sit away from the food so that you can't see…
  • yes. i incorporate HIIT workouts 3x/week and sometimes i double up with weights. on those days, i'm frigging starving.
  • many guys hate doing legs; they prefer doing upper body only and it makes me laugh when i can squat more then them and they look like a hulk standing next to me.
  • are you eating your calories? personally, drinking my calories doesn't do it for me but some people can't have breakfast so i get that. that said, why not have breakfast when you get hungry? a shake is a "snack" IMO and you need food to fuel your body. include proteins and healthy carbs into your meals, along with some…
  • the good thing is that weight is never permanent! it's the hard work ahead that often puts people off. that said, you have to make time for fitness and make it into a habit. this means working out everyday at the same time so that it becomes integrated into your daily also makes it easier for you to plan your…
  • not till the 2nd month. give it time! it's only been 2wks.
  • work on upper body strength and grip strength. i'm training for tough mudder and during every run, i run stop by the park and do a few rounds on the monkey bars. kettlebells are also great at improving grip strength. also work on endurance. the course is likely going to be uphill so do some uphill sprint training too.
  • why not start out a little easier on yourself like a 2 or 3 miles and work up to 5+? use the couch to 5K program... it will help train you properly. most of all, if you hate running, you won't stick to it..find something you enjoy!
  • the amount of sweat doesn't indicate how hard your heart was working. if you wore it correctly (chest strap and correctly calibrated etc), then i'd say it's correct. when i lift, i don't burn as many calories because it doesn't really raise my heart rate as HIIT cardio (for example).
  • if you've started lifting with 5lbs for only a week, give it another week or so before increasing your reps. what is your max # reps per set? if you easily hit your max reps, up your weight but go to 8lbs instead of 10. it's better to go slowly then a big jump. once you have a solid foundation of strength, you can jump…
  • i use dvd programs; i've done p90x and currently doing body beast and seeing amazing results. i eat clean 100% with no cheating and within my calorie range. my meal ratio is about 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fats; plenty of fresh veggies/fruits and tons of water.
  • for many, yes. my friend lost about 90lbs and is wear, he looks like he's 19!
  • i workout solely with dvds (p90x/body beast etc) and have seen incredible results. the program i'm currently doing involves a lot of super/progressive set training so the weights will start out low (with high reps) and i'll increase the weight and then drop the # of reps. since increasing my weights, i've seen great…
  • it's fine. just be sure to do a full warmup with stretching and then a full cool down.
  • don't worry about the scale; if you're losing inches that's really all that matters. when your fitness levels improve, your body will typically need more fuel. i have gone from 1500cals/day when i first started to 1950/2000 now.
  • 1-2lbs/week is perfectly normal.
  • to *see* abs you need to lower body fat and that is mainly all diet and cardio. that said, you can build your abs while losing fat ab exercises and you'll get a ton of them. be sure to also work your posterior muscles ... core is 180 degrees, not just the front of your body.
  • i don't calorie count either...i know how much i need to eat and it works for me. that said, i do plan my meals so i make sure that i take all of my food to work and i also workout according to a schedule (body beast). sometimes i switch things up but mostly, i stick to the workout calendar and when it's nice outside, i…
  • are you still losing inches? that's most important. how i broke through my plateau: i had to start working out even harder and doing doubles (workout in the AM and then PM) and also really increasing my weights
  • killed it during my workout today at 5am (body beast shoulders) and will be doing core later on today.
  • why don't you make yourself accountable and start a blog detailing your fitness journey? there are millions of bloggers out there doing the same (as am i!) and it's such a wonderful community. just a thought.
  • everyday at 5am i'm up, eating a light snack and then working out for 45mins-1hr.