kedlyo Member


  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yep, 67 min. stair master (How? Netflix!) Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yep Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yep
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? Yep! Stair climber to warmup, then an hour of weights. Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes, way under...appetite was nonexistent today, but tomorrow I will be diligent about hitting my protein goal and eating my full calorie allottment. Did I keep track of everything…
  • Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? YES (1 hr stairs, 30 min. yoga) Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? YES Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? YES
  • Exercise - yes, circuit training & yoga. Calories - yes Tracked - yes
  • Hi, I need to get back into a daily habit so I will look like my very outdated profile pic again! I'm not new to MFP, but new to challenges & the whole 'community' side of MFP. Does anyone know if there is a way to set up a notification (in the mobile app) reminding me to post on the sign-in here? I think after a week or…
  • I'm making this today, makes enough for dinner/lunch for a few days: It's a tried-and-true family favorite! I've made numerous recipes from here, and they're all meant to be a lighter/healthier version of some common foods, as well as some original…
  • I do the same thing as you - I wear orthotics in my tennis shoes, roll out my feet/calves/etc. and still have occasional PF flare-ups. The only thing that makes them calm down is to wear Birkenstocks any time I'm not in tennis shoes. They sit next to my bed and go on before I even stand up, then they stay on continuously…
  • I have a protein shake for breakfast every morning. It's fast and I can drink it while I'm getting ready for work, which means I get to sleep a little longer :) There are hundreds of protein powder products out there, and I switch brands periodically. My Peanut Butter Chocolate shake recipe: 1 C vanilla unsweetened almond…
  • I never work out without my Polar FT40. I'm a numbers girl, and it totally motivates me. :)
  • For me, the exercise component was the key. I did cut my portions down (to normal - not restrictive) from what I was eating, and added extra foods in the forms of fruits & veggies. But overall, I exercise everyday because it allows to me to still eat the things I love, and to monitor how much I want to eat of my…
  • Have you asked your doc about changing meds? Really, counting calories & exercising are the keys to weight loss and then maintenance. But switching your meds could help... Of course, switching meds could be a minefield that takes 2-4 months to even see if it works for you. I'm no doc, so talk to yours. Best of luck on your…
  • I use the Polar FT40 Heart Rate monitor, and find it to be far more accurate than any machine or generic estimates. If you get one, you'll enter your info (height, wt, typical activity level, gender) and, for me anyway, gain a little extra motivation as you can switch the watch to display your current calories burned.…
  • I highly recommend this program/book. You'll often see it abbreviated as NROL4W, and if you search that term on MFP, there will be plenty of results. I'm not affiliated with the author or anything, but I have a degree in Exercise Physiology and the information…
  • Here's the EASY delicious breakfast shake that I eat everyday. For me, you can't beat chocolate & peanut butter shakes! 1 C Almond Milk 1 Scoop chocolate protein powder 2 tsp. PB2 or Chocolate PB2 8-10 ice cubes Blend & enjoy!
  • First, be the captain of your own ship. Marriage should be a partnership, not a property/owner relationship. Second, show him any of the following articles:…
  • I say you do everything your body will let you do! I have a fantastic role model for that. My exercise science professor in college was about 70. He was my mom's exer. sci. professor when she was in college (she's in her 60s now), and he's still teaching there today. He still lifts and does some type of cardio everyday,…
  • You guys are doing great! For anyone who wants to know, all the 30DS videos are on Youtube. I'm on level 1 day 4, and getting more motivation each time. For the guy who doesn't have weights, use canned foods or filled water bottles until you get weights. :)
  • Get in to a trusted counselor if you can. Let them know you're trying to lose. I may have misunderstood your post, so correct me if I did please. It sounds like you are at 140, and you like to be there, and that is even lower than 'they' want you to be. So do you really need to lose right now? What about focusing on…
  • Are all the videos available on youtube? I see level 1, but don't even know what the system is. (Level 1 first day only? So are there 30 levels?) If you can give me a brief overview, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!!