Lazr1430 Member


  • That sounds good! I think I will try it too.
  • I know the feeling! But my past experience has been... that either I was working on losing weight... or the weight was going up. So if you aren't gaining weight, that is still a good thing. If you give up... you won't stay where you are at now, in two weeks, you will weigh more! Keep working!
  • I have found this site to be extremely helpful and educational. Most importantly...log EVERYTHING you eat! Be consistent. Do it every day. You will soon find somethings that your portions are too large, some things that are waaaay more calories than you realized. Some foods are almost freebies. In a very short time you…
  • Good luck! I think you will find this site extremely helpful.. Log EVERYTHING you eat! You will soon learn what things you eat that have more calories than you thought. I found there were t hings I thought were "healthy" but the number of calories they contained was really surprising to me. I now make different choices,…
  • My suggestion is to make sure you log everything you eat... EVERYTHING! For me it didn't take long before I would decide that maybe I didn't want to have to log an extra snack.. maybe I would postpone it for awhile.. even just 15 minutes... and often I got busy doing other things and skipped that "snack" ... It really…
  • Good luck and Congratulations on setting some promising goals for yourself! I have only been using this site for about 6 weeks and have lost 10 lbs. It is VERY helpful! I also lost my mother earlier than I would have liked. Although she was older than your mother.. but I too am now creeping up on the age she was when she…
  • Sounds really good, I am going to try it! Thanks for sharing
  • First thing... Recognize what you are doing right! Then... recognize what you are doing wrong... Then change one wrong thing at a time.. You don't have to do it all at once.. Just change one thing, and you will start feeling better about yourself. TODAY really is a new day! You can do it, one small thing at a time!
  • Thank you for posting that.. Very good thought for the day... week.. month...etc..
  • Excellent! Good reminder of why taking measurements is so important in tracking fitness progress!
  • Now THAT is inspiring! Thanks for sharing!
  • How INSPIRING! Thanks for sharing your pictures and your accomplishments!