I have a polar FT4 and it works like a charm, have had it since February and has always accurately calculated my calories!
so really just cracking down the next couple of months is what I really need to do? Thank you!
you're absolutely right. I just need to realize the number isn't going to define me. thank you everyone.
I'm gonna know the number on the scale, and if it's not to what i want. I won't feel good about myself. just fat.
It was my first time at horsefair as well! i had a great time! and didn't gain any weight over the weekend! woo!
you're right you're right, i shouldn't be so uptight. I'm going to be walking around and shopping and helping the girls with their horses! i'll be in a hotel. so i'm hoping they'll have a fitness center but who knows! if I'll walk faster! thanks for your help!
I've done workouts for both, and personally I like insanity wayyy more! The insanity workouts are really straight forward and they are tough, but well worth it. As long as you don't compromise your form for speed you'll really see decent results! don't want to go injurying your body! You keep motivated throughout the…
EATING! sometimes i just crave the chips!
i'm 5'3 and i weigh 139 and wear a size 4
What I do is. if I burned 400 calories while excerising I try and make sure I have between 350-400 calories left at the end of the day. try not to eat back the calories you ate. you'd be ruining the workout you just had. this is a very common problem that a lot of people make. Try and and eat calories that will keep you…
do NOTeat back calories you burned while excersing. you're just hurting yourself and ruin your workout.
GETTING STARTED! that always seems to be the hardest part, and really sticking to it for the first few weeks. Losing weight isn't a fast process but one that is def worth it. I love when I can see my measurements shrink. it keeps me motivated even if the weight doesn't change. :)