

  • I fond for myself if I completely ban things that I love to eat it will just cause me to give up. I need something sweet most days, so instead of choosing a sugary yogurt for breakfast I save the sugars and calories and have a snack pudding or a small piece of chocolate. maybe a really rich ghiardelli square, but ONLY ONE.…
  • I don't have the videos but I go once a week and it really kicks my booty. I work different muscles then on the eliptical or bike. I have a friend who uses the bug and she says she burns about 1000 calories at zumba. I think it really depends on how much you put into it I always add arms slide really big lunge deeply, but…
    in Zumba? Comment by aurablue April 2010
  • Love, Love Zumba! I go Wed nights and look forward to it every week. I wish I could go more. Sorry I have no help for the DVD purchase just chiming in for anyone contemplating ZUMBA. DO IT!!
    in ZUMBA!!! Comment by aurablue April 2010
  • I read an interesting book, eat for your blood type. According to the book I do better with red meat, which I thought was bogus but for three days I ate salads with low fat dressing etc. and gained two pounds. Spent the next two days eating appropriate portions of chicken and red meat and lost 3 pounds. My son has a rare…
  • I honestly don't know when I gained my extra 30 right around when I got married, bad wife :).Anyway I did really well with both of my pregnancy's but somewehere in the passed 2 years gained an extra 5. I am tired of saying I'm going to lose 30 pounds and doing nothing about it. I figure I have wased time doing things that…
  • Don't let one day kill your spirit. I haven't really been at this for very long but I know there will be days when life just runs away with you. Tomorrow is a new day and a chance to start over. I try to push myself a little everyday just in case I have a bad day. Mine happened in the form of deep fried buffalo bites and…
  • I am burning lots of fat, but I am starting to look dis-proportionate. My upper waste is looking good, bottom staying the same but now looks bigger becasue my top half is smaller. I have faith that the eliptical and rower will burn this off eventually.
  • I don't have 12 hour shifts, but I work till 11pm and wake up with the kiddos at 6:30am so I am pretty much on a 12-17 hour shift, I know it's different :) Anyway days that I work I go to the gym after and days I don't I usually do it in the am. I find that i sleep a ton better if I do it at night and while i don't get as…
  • Jiillian Michaels has a reverse crunch exercise. Lift you legs, slightly bent then lift your buttoff the ground. I can barely do ten but definitely feel muscle burning where I didn't even know one existed :) Hopefully a few weeks of those and we will be pouch free.
  • Am I missing this? I am brand new, day 7 yay me :) I thought it was weird that I can't see my fiber ,sodium or sugars. Where can I see this?
  • Hi there. I'm not planning on having any more babies but wanted to chime in. I was about 25lbs overweight when i got pregnant with my first and really made a conscieous effort to eat well and get my booty moving. Not so much for the weight but more because I wanted him to have the best possible start and fruits, veggies…