

  • Excellent, its so good to read about folk who have made such great progress but its not been an easy journey. It really helps to know that other folk have days where they eat really badly but dont quit, instead just get their head down and keep going!! Great inspiration!!
  • Hey, im 5ft 1' as well and my start weight was 14 st. I joined last week and managed to lose 2lbs. Im on 1200 cals too and do find im hungry at times during the day, but trying to stick to it at the moment. I started the 30 day shred last week when i joined and get a bit confused about whether im supposed to eat the…
  • Well done, really helps to see the before and after pics of those being successful in their weight loss :0)
  • Hey Al, just joined on Sat so in the same boat. Will add you as a friend.
  • Hey, i just joined on Saturday and have 56lbs to lose. Going on Holiday in October and would like to have most off by then. Just started to do the 30 day shred today after i read about it on here. Quite hard, but its only lasts for 20 minutes. Will add you.
    in hi yah Comment by caramac72 March 2013
  • Well done, every little bit helps :0)