5ft1 and 15.6 stone! Omg i know :/

So yh im that height and that weight and its making me sooooo depressed! I lost 3lbs since starting (some weeks ago) have tried the 1200 cal per day was doing okay but it was a time i was bit ill so wasnt that hungry anyhow, tried upping it a bit too to 1350 (was scared to go higher) and was still hungry at end of day which did lead to a lil binge one day!
I am totally fed up right now, im sick to the bones of being so FAT! Yh fat because lets face it thats what it is right?!
I just wanna be healthy and slim down a little, i dont want to be like 8/9st which is whats recommended for my height has i dont want to lose all the nice curves i once had. I would be so thankfull just to get to about 10 stone, ohh the joy that would fill me!

Does anyone who is maybe similar height weight have any tips for me??
Or peeps in general, i d be grateful and thankful!



  • mulcahya
    mulcahya Posts: 82 Member
    How much water are you drinking a day? A lot of the time when people think they are hungry they are actually just thirsty! I eat SO much less when I'm drinking more water (the first time I tried to lose weight I was drinking up to a max of 2L per day, now I drink 4L every day). Another thing that helped me is having my biggest meal at breakfast, middle meal at lunch and trying to eat smallest meal at dinner. It often doesn't quite work if I'm busy but I think it was important for me not to have my biggest meal and all my calories at night (I love eating at night!). I also try to set myself a rule that I'm not allowed any snacks after dinner (again - I enjoy eating at night but cutting it out is one of the best things I've done).

    Oh and yeah, I'm 5'3" and my max weight was ~10.7 stone, I'm now at ~9 stone and very happy there.

    Hope this helps at least a bit!
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    You are probably eating too little in order for your weightloss to be sustainable. Try reading this, it has helped many on here.

  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    Wholeheartedly echo what has been said here - I was a similar starting weight to you (a bit heavier - 16 stone), and am now 10 stone.

    Basically - eat well to nourish your body, exercise, drink plenty of water, don't think of it as a 'diet' or being 'good' or 'bad', and remember that this is it for the rest of your life - a lifestyle change.

    And never, ever throw in the towel. Patience is a virtue, and I constantly remind myself of the slashed tyre analogy when it comes to a gain or a binge - if you have a flat tyre, do you slash the other three? Nope - simply fix it, and move on. It takes a long time to gain the weight - therefore it'll take a while to lose it, too. Don't lose heart - this is a step in the right direction!
  • caramac72
    Hey, im 5ft 1' as well and my start weight was 14 st. I joined last week and managed to lose 2lbs. Im on 1200 cals too and do find im hungry at times during the day, but trying to stick to it at the moment.
    I started the 30 day shred last week when i joined and get a bit confused about whether im supposed to eat the calories i gained in doing exercise, it just feels like it defeats the purpose of exercise!!
    Like you im sick, sick, sick of being fat, im going on holiday with my hubby and kids in October and really dont want to spend another holiday sitting on the beach feeling sick of myself for not being happy in a swimsuit.
    I too will be happy to gt down 10 stone. This is the first time in a long time im feeling really determined to do this!!
    What do you find is your downfall? Mine is my sweet tooth!! :0)
  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    I was 14.7 stone when I started and we are a similar height. I have been using fitness blenders videos and have recently started their 8 week programme, mainly so I had a routine each day instead of picking random videos. I have been eating roughly 1200 cals a day (eating back exercise calories). Sometimes I'm over, sometimes under but it's working so far. I recently upped to 1350 cals as I have been doing a lot of HIIT workouts and they were making me so hungry!
    I know when I started it felt like I would never reach my goal, but just take each day as it comes and you'll get there. I'm now half way to my goal and the time has flown it. Exercise and diet are now a way of life.
    Feel free to add me, always good to have friends on here :)

    Edit - I joined I'm July, started properly in August, moved to Korea in September and loaded up in rice so this current weight loss started from February this year.
  • Maggie1moo
    Maggie1moo Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks everyone for messages,
    @mulcahya yep me too about the night eating, but recently have changed that.

    Im just gonna try up my water in take too has i never hardly ever drank it begore has was addicted to cola but have kicked that habit now! Yey me lol

    Again thanks