I'm borderline diabetic as well. Think I was diagnosed 4 years ago. Lost some of my stomach fat about 2 years ago by dieting, but since then it has grown back a lot. Personally, I eat everything but in moderation. I also split my meals up. Eat half, save it for later. Before every meal, I drink water and it helps me feel…
I have been a chipaholic since I was little. Just like Meghan, I also love BBQ Chips along with all other flavors. I can finish a family sized bag within 2 days. My new years resolution this year is to quit eating chips. Hope I can do it.
Completed my first fit test today Switch Kicks: 59 Power Jacks: 9 Knees: 45 Jumps: 12 Globe jumps: 4 Suicide Jumps : 5 Push up jacks 0 plank obliques 0 The next time I go shopping, I'll buy things for the nutrition guide
I decided to try it on Friday. I put on the fit test and stopped 4 minutes in (the warm up), and yesterday I made it to 6 minutes. An hour ago, I finally pushed myself and got through all of it. 0 push up jacks and plank obliques. Just finished Hip Hop Abs Fat burning Cardio 1 also by Shaun T Tomorrow I will move on to the…
thanks guys