

  • sorry one last question. as I think I am going to have trouble eating my exercise calories back. would something like a protein shake be beneficial? I think i get enough protein already though. I have heard the Whey ones are good for weight loss?
  • thanks everyone. I might try more snacking throughout the day to try and get my net calories closer to the 1300 and not under so much. weekends are that bad :) will start logging them. Its mainly a bottle of wine, or some vodka/lime./soda water. thanks
  • thanks, just seems weird that my issue is that I am not eating enough NET calories, just confused that my problem is to eat more, not less... could it be that my bad weekends ruin ALL the work I have done all week?
  • Ok cool, I guess at the moment since what i am doing is NOT working perhaps I need to eat more snacks throughout the day on the days I am exercising, to make sure I get to the NET calories each day. And maybe that will fix the rut I am in... hopefully anyways.
  • So on the days I exercise, eat more to get to the NET calories. Just seem soo weird to eat back those exercise calories.. but nothing else is working so I better at least try it!
  • this is such a dumb question, but how to i check that I am at a deficit? is it as long as I am eating less than the 1300 MFP gives me? Def need to log in the weekends to see where my issues are. Just sucks cause I see so many ppl loose it so quickly and mine just wont budge! I have always been pretty healthy / balanced…
  • looking back at my diary, I think I reallly need to make sure I to be consistent and log on the weekends, as I think that is what is screwing me up. That and better dinners. Don't want to give up but really thought I would have at least seen some results but perhaps I am deluded and think I am being healthy when I am not!…
  • ok great thanks, that makes sense. I will follow MFP and ignore fat 2 fit. MFL is much easier to use anyway! I will continue as is and hope the weight drops. I just assumed it was a good thing to earn more calories and not necessary eat them up but i suppose it is also good to make sure you are eating enough to nourish…
  • Oh I see. Looking back on this weeks diary, you are right. After I put in the exercise, it increased the calories to around 1800 per day so I keep having about 300-400 leftover at the end of each day. I thought "woohoo, I ate less than I should have". but really, should I be aiming to reach the target it sets for me after…
  • another comment - I did my BMR on fat 2 fat radio website and it says to eat 2671 calories a day if I am doing moderate exercise 3-5 day a week. That is like over 1,000 calories diff than what my fitness pal tells me - hence my confusion:)
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