help with diary - not loosing weight stilllllll


112KG/246pounds......... , joined the gym on the 8th of June, I know now that long ago...... But since even before then I have been logging my food. Always (on most days) stay within the allocated Calories. Have always been a healthy eater, defo need to control portion sizes though. Bought some kitchen scales and starting to eat off a smaller plate.

I had my first re-check with the gym instructor last week and a month of exercising 5-6 days a week and counting calories I have not lost ANYTHING :( a few cm's off my body but I really expected more.

It sucks, so hard not to get disheartened. I know I have my bad calorie days (mainly due alcohol...)

anyway, thought I would open up my diary to the public to get some feedback. Very heard not to get dishearted and give up when I have been working so hard but nothing to show for it. So very interested to hear what I am doing wrong.

P.S - my exercise is Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat Crosstrainer for 20 mins, then weights, then 5 mins walking and 15 mins jogging.
Tues and Wed - boxing




  • sarah1651
    sarah1651 Posts: 12
    looking back at my diary, I think I reallly need to make sure I to be consistent and log on the weekends, as I think that is what is screwing me up.

    That and better dinners.

    Don't want to give up but really thought I would have at least seen some results but perhaps I am deluded and think I am being healthy when I am not!

  • Weekends are my trouble spot as well - but mainly due to be so busy with kids and eating "when I can".

    For me, it was critical to log every day and ensure that I stayed at a deficit, my problem was I was eating too little and plateaued at 28lbs lost. I increased my intake to the allocated calories per day and the scale started to move again.

    Logging is key, it's the very essence of MFP.

    Good luck - it's worth the price of admission!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Just general suggestions:

    Log everything all the time. It's easy to underestimate what you're eating on weekends when you don't log them consistently. Keep using your kitchen scale and measuring cups.

    I also went back a few days and it looks like you're not getting close to your calorie goal most days. If you're using the number MFP gave you at set up you're supposed to be eating back your exercise calories. The 1200 is without any workouts figured in and it includes your weight loss deficit. When you workout the deficit increases and looks like yours is probably 1000 calories if you set to lose 2 lbs a week then add in the 600 or so you seem to be burning and your deficit is 1600. That's a lot especially if you're not very obese.
  • sarah1651
    sarah1651 Posts: 12
    this is such a dumb question, but how to i check that I am at a deficit? is it as long as I am eating less than the 1300 MFP gives me?

    Def need to log in the weekends to see where my issues are.

    Just sucks cause I see so many ppl loose it so quickly and mine just wont budge! I have always been pretty healthy / balanced (ish) so have not really changed my eating habits since I started logging, portion sizes are what I am starting to change.

    wish I had some loss to be able to say I am at a plateau! haha

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the 1300 MFP is giving you is your deficit. eat as close to that number as possible, and going over by 100 is not that big of a deal.
  • sarah1651
    sarah1651 Posts: 12
    So on the days I exercise, eat more to get to the NET calories. Just seem soo weird to eat back those exercise calories.. but nothing else is working so I better at least try it!
  • sarah1651
    sarah1651 Posts: 12
    Ok cool, I guess at the moment since what i am doing is NOT working perhaps I need to eat more snacks throughout the day on the days I am exercising, to make sure I get to the NET calories each day. And maybe that will fix the rut I am in... hopefully anyways.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    looking back at my diary, I think I reallly need to make sure I to be consistent and log on the weekends, as I think that is what is screwing me up.

    That and better dinners.

    Don't want to give up but really thought I would have at least seen some results but perhaps I am deluded and think I am being healthy when I am not!

    This is what I like about the logging, it's instant accountability. You can see your triumphs and failures easily. Being a consistent logger is the first step, log every day... especially the really bad ones. It helps you understand your set backs and repeat them less often. A kitchen scale to measure food helps a lot with portion control too and I'm sure that'll make a huge difference.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So on the days I exercise, eat more to get to the NET calories. Just seem soo weird to eat back those exercise calories.. but nothing else is working so I better at least try it!

    If you look at the goals page, you will find MFP's formula. It is designed for its users to eat back their exercise calories.
  • sarah1651
    sarah1651 Posts: 12
    thanks, just seems weird that my issue is that I am not eating enough NET calories, just confused that my problem is to eat more, not less...

    could it be that my bad weekends ruin ALL the work I have done all week?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    thanks, just seems weird that my issue is that I am not eating enough NET calories, just confused that my problem is to eat more, not less...

    could it be that my bad weekends ruin ALL the work I have done all week?

    No one can really answer that. Log consistently, everything and every day and then you'll be able to see more accurately what is going on.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    thanks, just seems weird that my issue is that I am not eating enough NET calories, just confused that my problem is to eat more, not less...

    could it be that my bad weekends ruin ALL the work I have done all week?

    It depends on how bad your weekends are. Try logging them as accurately as you can.
  • sarah1651
    sarah1651 Posts: 12
    thanks everyone. I might try more snacking throughout the day to try and get my net calories closer to the 1300 and not under so much.

    weekends are that bad :) will start logging them. Its mainly a bottle of wine, or some vodka/lime./soda water.

  • sarah1651
    sarah1651 Posts: 12
    sorry one last question. as I think I am going to have trouble eating my exercise calories back.

    would something like a protein shake be beneficial? I think i get enough protein already though.

    I have heard the Whey ones are good for weight loss?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Protein shakes don't aid in weight loss. They aid in meeting your protein macros and calorie goals. if you are going by mfp's defaults, the protein is set pretty low. If you go to the Eat Train Progress group in MFP and read their stickies, they have a forumula on what your protein macro should be set at and how to change it in MFP.