mrbunzey Member


  • Now we have differing opinions. I choose raw as it weighs more. Most recipes you find and calorie charts assume raw.
  • Always weigh your food raw. There are, of course, times you can't but use the tool to select something that comes close. As you learn to weigh your food you will get good at looking at cooked items and being able to guess fairly accurately what the pre-cooked weight was.
  • Welcome to our world. I have lost 40 lbs so far with 15 more to go. I encourage you to look at yourself positively. This site is a great tool but it will only get you healthy. God made you beautiful! Believe it! What has helped me is to set the profile to make sure I am charting sugar as well as carbs, fat and protein. It…
  • I highly reccomend using Goat milk yogurt. It will not be thick like Greek style yogurt as that has ben filtered to remove the whey from it. It is very tastey though and very healthy. I avoid anything from a cow really. Yogurt can be used many ways. I enjoy using it on my oatmeal with some blueberrys, cinnamon, chopped…
  • Thank you lotus lady! I understand and agree with waht you . I have a close friend that is diabetic and eats a gallon of ice cream every weekend as he is well aware of what you just articulated. He is so smart and unhealthy!
  • I am concerned for our nations health. I am concerned about yours and your childrens. If we don't change our eating habits we will self destruct. You may think I am extreme but I can assure you that I have lived what you may be going through. I have lost 40 lbs in my latest efforts and I have learned something very…
  • So you are counting calories, good for you. Good effort but what about the really important things, like what you eat. Marshmallows in chocolate Oatmeal, who are you kidding? Haven't you heard, SUGAR is the number one killer in America. It is the reason that 2/3's of America is fat and for the epidemic of obesity and…