Spunndaze Member


  • I am soooo in. I started Monday . Day five is in the books! Add me as friends and let do this.. woohoo!
  • I for one subscribe to the juice fasting philosophy. I'm on day 23 and feel great. There is a 3-7 day window of major detoxing that kicked my *kitten*, but once the fog lifted, my energy has been phenomenal. I was 235lb when I began, so weight loss was not my primary motivation ... my paradigm shift was the cleansing part…
  • Juicing works great.. I'm on day 21 of a 60 day juice fast and to date have lost 26lb. i use a Breville BJE200XL $ 99.00 on amazon.. the thing is Awesome! go to www.jointhereeboot.com for all the information you will ever need. if you have Netflix check out "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" it will give you the motivation you…
  • I'm day 21 of a 60 day juice fast. to date I've lost 26lb and I feel great ! I am part of a juicing group on FB that s been the greatest thing ever for my accountability. To the person that asked if you could juice without a juicer.. blended drinks are not the same, you dont get nearly the same benefits as fresh juice. My…
  • I work in an undisclosed location in the Bay Area manufacturing Botox.
  • OI ! Good onya! I am in a similar state.. Im trying to loose two stone.. im tired of my man boobs!
  • narrowdoor...you pretty much nailed my philosophy on this ... I choose 200 because I did feel it was obtainable and as I stated in a previous reply ... I really wanted an "easy win" something that would have a massive effect on me mentally, so that I would be motivated to move forward smiling rather than begrudgingly.…
  • Thanks all , I look forward to making my goal, I figured I needed an easy win....something to keep me motivated ... :)