

  • Egg yolks have a lot of cholesterol. But egg whites have a lot of protein. If you're not worried about cholesterol, go for the whole egg.
  • If you take an ephedra/ephedrine stack (with caffeine), yes, it will work. But take it from me, you will feel like absolute crap - especially if you take it frequently. And once you stop taking it, the weight will find its way back. It is a short term solution to a long term problem. I took pills from about 2001 to 2004,…
  • I'm 5'6". I'm also a dude. The "healthy weight" for a 32 year old 5'6" man is around 140. I'm rocking around 179 right now, so I have a ways to go. But I don't know where this extra 40lbs is going to come from.
  • Yeah, I'm a big food lover, too. But I am eating more healthy and really have cut down on the amount of meat on my plate, which probably is lowering my protein intake, and therefore lowering my energy. Actually, I only try to have chicken or fish two-three times a week. Other than that, my diet is mostly vegetarian. Also,…
  • I really like the fact that I can track every single thing I put into my mouth, from the number of Skittles I ate while watching a movie to the amount of vegetables I had with dinner. Seeing that listing of foods helps me hold myself accountable, I guess. No one wants to see cake and brownies on their food list when…
  • Just had a can of tuna with some spinach, celery, onion and tomato. Ugh. Man, I could really go for a pizza right about now.
  • Back when ephedra based pills were legal (around 2002-03), I took them. And I lost a lot of weight. Of course, those pills were ridiculously unhealthy, and I could tell that I was doing damage to myself whenever I took them. The sleeplessness, the thumping heartbeat, the lightheadedness whenever I was out in the sun, and…