captainfez Member


  • Another vote for the HRM. I got a Polar FT80 on eBay for cheap the other week and it's made it easier to track my efforts. They're not perfect - I understand certain models are conservative, or track weight-based work oddly, but I've found it really helps. Certain models let you upload the info directly to a training…
  • I've done a couple of sessions at other gyms - more local ones, not chain ones - and the wanker level was much lower. But then the pick-up scene there was also nonexistent, so that probably explains the lack of preening!
  • Yep. And even then, some need a bit more time before they're ready for anyone's consumption. And then there's some that just go straight to mouldy.
  • Have you talked to them about suspending membership? You can do that (or should still be able to). They basically freeze your access. I think you still are charged an amount, but it's a smaller amount than usual. Call and ask 'em, and if the club receptionist won't help, try head office - I know people who've done it.
  • I go to the Chatswood one a couple of times a week. It's not bad. One of the older ones, and they've only just started updating some of the equipment - but it seems to be progressing OK. The worst part about FF (I also go to the Newtown one, which is much newer) is that they do attract a bunch of posers. There's always a…
  • If you have an iPhone, Android phone (or even pen and paper) there's the 100 pushups-style programs you can use. They exist for a bunch of exercises - dips, sit-ups, squats, etc. The idea is interval training - you do short sets of the exercise with a break in-between. It takes something like half an hour a week to do one…
  • Howdo. I'm in Syd-er-knee.
    in Australia Comment by captainfez May 2011
  • >really i dont give a rats behind what people think of me..and if i dont now, i certainly wont when i'm 80. Maybe not - but just as bodyweight and form changes over time, so does how we think of things. I know I view a lot of things differently now than I did even five years ago. As far as the tatts go, I'd say wait until…
  • I do three (and ideally four) days a week at the gym doing a mixture of cardio and bodyweight weights stuff. I'm really trying to push the cardio at present as I need to work on my endurance. On top of that, I do a bunch of taiko (either classes or private practice for an upcoming competition) a couple of times a week.…
  • Yep, still going. Alternating it with the 200 squats app, so hopefully it'll all come together by the end.
  • I'm doing it too - my sense of what a "week" is is a bit elastic, however. Erm. But yes, moving onwards, and pushing myself to run faster. I use the iPhone app because I can put horrendously loud music on to distract me from the job at hand - otherwise I'd be checking how long to go, all the time. Are we there yet? I'm…
  • Thanks!
  • Friends get? Friends got. So what's this about being an ex-taiko player, eh? :)
  • I know it's not really personally helpful, but you can rest assured that in some way, school years suck for everybody. Either that, or they only sucked for you and me, because I got the same sort of crap from people. (I had the good fortune of being the only Aussie kid in a New Zealand school - and fat, etc etc... even the…
  • I'm a sucker and am going to try some of the other ones too. I was working on the squats one (for taiko) but fell off the wagon. Time to give it a whirl again. Here we go.
  • Also, if you have an iPhone or an Android phone, there's apps you can get that will tell you how many to do each day, graph your results and give you a timer with work/rest times. It's pretty foolproof if I can do it...
  • I just have to start it again. I lost track. Just will reset the app.