

  • I find it helpful. My breakfast is nearly always the same, and there are little variations to my lunch. I find it easiest to cook a lot of food on my day off and freeze it into individual portions. That way I always have choices on hand, but since I only cook three or four dishes, there isn't a huge selection. That way I…
  • I still eat there now and then. Grilled nuggets are a solid choice. I find that I usually pick fries and have water or a pop and a fruit cup. That way I still am hitting the craving (french fries and pop are my cryptonite) but not over indulging it!
  • I am all about BeachBodyMom's workouts. They're short (only 30 min and perfect for before work) and are super low impact. Still gets my heart rate up and sweaty, but doesn't kill my several times broken ankle.
  • I didn't think I was a picky eater until recently. Growing up I was the kid who ate whatever, because my brother was so fussy he only ate a handful of things (and still does well into his 20s!) Turns out that I'm picky, and my brother is off the charts picky! I've started taking a multivitamin to help with the situation. I…
  • Not that I can come close to even identify with your struggle and it's difficulty, I can offer this. I am the queen of eating while I am sitting still and not doing anything. At night, when I would typically consume most of my calories from mindless eating of junk, I have now started to crochet when I want to eat for the…
  • And here I was just scooping the ice cream into a half cup measuring cup!
  • Youtube! When I work late, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym. I search in Youtube for the sort of workout I want, and take it from there. They have all sorts in varying lengths if you take the time to look through them.
  • Going to the doctor and being told that if I want to avoid my PCOS from being any worse than it already is, I need to lose the weight.
  • Love, Love, Love Doctor Who. I, too, am a Matt Smith girl. There is just something about is awkwardness I find so endearing. Favorite episode? This is hard... I don't know if I can pick just one. The Empty Child really drew me into the show. Tooth and Claw makes my Ten/Rose heart go pitter patter. The Last of the Time…
  • I hate balloons, too. Mostly because i hate the sound they make when they pop. No good!
  • Elevators. I absolutely hate them! Ever since I saw Ghost Dad (yeah, the old Cosby movie) when I was a kid, I can't do them. I am always afraid the cables are going to snap and down I go!
  • You ran for over a mile twice last week. Twice. You didn't even do that in high school. Not bad at all for just starting out!