

  • I absolutely love that!! Such a great idea to stay accountable!! I wish I could get my fiancé to workout with me!! I did once, we did Chalene's Turbo Fire 15 minuet HIIT!! Now he doesn't want to. I am doing a test group for the 21 day fix maybe I can talk him into doing that one with me! :) Good luck on your journey! I…
  • Hey Seirra! Girl you are gorgeous!! Not to be weird or anything. :) That is so great that you are enlisted in the US Navy, good for you! Most women are intimidated to do something like that, so kudos to you! 10lbs is a very attainable goal! I know you can do it and this group seems like it would be a perfect fit for you! I…
  • You can do it, girl!! I would love to help you get back to your goals! I am on a mission to help at least 5 people each month hit their health and fitness goals. Each month I have weight loss test groups, it is a very supportive group help on facebook. Completely private, so that way only we can see what were posting in…