wysmom2000 Member


  • Our dog (a Cockapoo) had terrible recurring ear infections for years. I ran into someone who suggested a raw food grain free diet. Just Google "raw food diet for dogs" and you'll find a lot of information. After a lot of research, I discovered that dogs do not have the enzyme to digest carbs, which is the main ingredient…
  • I had a similar revelation a couple days ago. Why am I so hung up on a number? I'm 2 lbs away from the "magic" number but what do those 2 lbs mean? It was an arbitrary number to start with. I'm eating healthier, exercising more and fitter than I've ever been. Plus I'm looking pretty dang good! You're attitude is what…
  • I've had a spicy tooth lately...unusual for me. Tonight I baked Tilapia and then poured Frank's Buffalo Ranch sauce over it (not a lot, just like a basting sauce). That was awesome!
  • I have been losing more hair than usual too. My doc checked my Hemoglobin and Thyroid. Sometimes those can go wacky when you're losing weight. Mine were all fine. Curious if anyone else has some answers.
  • SW 181 GW 150 CW 152 (ready for maintenance) 6'1" (not a typo, just a tall chick) 41 years old
  • I've had the opposite problem. Since I've lost the weight, I've been warm all the time. I used to have to pull on the Snuggie all the time (even the summer). But now, I'm running around the house barefoot and in shorts...even when it's 40 degrees outside like today.
  • I watched this video...that's my reason for not eating McDonalds. French fries should not last that long! http://youtu.be/j-ljW5YEdao
  • Running did it for me. I have lean, muscular thighs now instead of the wiggly ones.
  • 250 as of this morning...yay me!
  • I just finished it about 2 weeks ago. When I started, I couldn't even jog to the end of the driveway to get the mail without being out of breath. I have asthma so I figured running was out of the question. I now run 3 miles at a time 3-4 days a week. And my asthma has improved so significantly that I don't even use my…
  • They are actually not that bad. The smoothies I make myself are usually higher calorie. I'd have taken it, drank half and thrown the rest away.
  • I started with the Couch to 5K program and now I'm running almost daily. I do long runs, intervals, fartleks, whatever I can get in. Running has been the key to my weight loss I think. My legs are more lean and toned and I've lost that flabby tummy. Before running, I struggled to find an exercise that would give me the…
  • Anything pumpkin! And homemade chili...only this year it will be made with turkey and I'll leave off the corn chips and sour cream :)
  • I used to get that from people all the time when I weighed 180 but those same people now tell me how great I look at 155. So it makes me wonder, were they lying before or are they lying now?
  • In my opinion, and I'm not a nutrition expert, counting calories is not an exact science. It's more about what choices we make and how we feel when we make those choices. There are days when I only NET several hundred calories and there are days when every number at the bottom of my log is RED. I refuse to force feed…
  • Everyone has different trigger foods. For me it's garlic and alcohol. I will tell you though, ever since I've lost some weight and started exercising regularly, I have not had many episodes. I used to take daily meds but now I can't even remember when the last time I popped a pill.
  • Nuts...any kind. I could eat 1000 calories of nuts before I even realize it. They are too easy to munch on while reading or working on the computer.
  • Oatmeal with cinnamon and blueberries, whole grain English muffin with PB & J, or a Chocolate Shakeology meal replacement shake. Usually a rotation of those three things.
  • Although my hubby isn't gone as long as yours, I get what you're saying about that. Mine's only gone 4 days a week (every week). I think it was guilt that was keeping me from my routine on those 3 days that he is home. I felt like I had to devote all of my attention to him because he wasn't here all week. I got over that…
  • I used to be a Jelly Belly jelly bean addict and I haven't had any since Christmas. I tried to have a small bag the other day as a treat and ended up with a horrible stomach ache.
  • Ramen noodles while convenient have no place in a balanced diet. You are overloading on sodium. As far as the milk, fat free takes some getting used to so maybe ease into it by trying 1%. I'm far from perfect, but you're welcome to look at my diary for some ideas on easy, healthy options.
  • Yes, I know the pain. Mine is from Plantar Fasciitis and a small heel spur. I doesn't bother me while I'm working out but the next morning, I can barely walk on it. After walking (limping) around for awhile it goes away. I started taking a couple Tylenol before and after my workout and it seems to be helping some.
  • She'd have to look up from her phone (texting) long enough to see me...never going to happen!
  • I couldn't find anything that helped until I started running. I have long, lean legs now and can finally see the muscle definition in my thighs. It's great!
    in Legs!! Comment by wysmom2000 July 2011
  • Can YOU afford a hotel room for them? The expense may be worth the peace of mind you will have.
  • If it is a diaphragm cramp...inhale, press firmly under ribcage where pain is, bend over (while pressing) and exhale sharply through mouth. It works for me. I don't get them now as much since I've been practicing better breathing technique while running.
    in Pain Comment by wysmom2000 July 2011
  • If I'm at Wal-Mart, I like to park as far out as possible. More opportunity to view the oddities that way. And before anyone comments negatively, remember I too am shopping at Wal-Mart so I could be viewed to fall into that classification as well.
  • Central IL here...Forsyth to be exact! Go Trojans!!
  • My sentiments exactly. I didn't get the weight loss I was looking for without adding much more cardio. But the strength and muscle tone...out of bounds!