

  • Mel, The first thing you need to realize is that it is not a diet. It is a change in your life style that you have to change. If you use fitness pal to track your food and exercise you will gain the results that you are looking for. Don't try for big losses either. If you do it slow, like 1-2lb a week, you will have a…
  • You can guess from this. It is from answers. It all depends on the density. What is the weight of one 36F cup size breast? Between 15 to 27 pounds.
  • I did the same as you did until I started to learn more about what the body needs. I cut back on my calories and increased my exercise to find out that I actually gained weight. What I learned is that my body went into survival mode. It will be a balance that you need to learn about your body. Cutting back on calories will…