I think your weight right now (248) is pure muscle dudeeeee!!! Congrats!!
Happened to me, and you know what? I decided to be stronger, faster, and lose more weight just to prove that people talking sh**** doesn't affect me. Stick to the plan and show those bit***s that you can!!
Just eat normally dude, when you have a lot of weight to lose, it comes very very easy, don´t worry if you feel good, dont starve yourself, believe me, if you are having too less energy, your body is going to tell you with bad feelings and low energy...
Looks like fat :) keep going and you can get rid of it
If you want to increase energy try to eat a little more carbs, like rice, beans, spaguetti... Anyways I think is normal to have low energy sometimes since the body has to take energy from the fat, thats the idea of dieting...
24 from Costa Rica, feel free to add me people
When I was born, people say to my mom, is he 3 months now? :( always overweight since I was born
I like the idea to do carb cycling, sometimes when you are doing diet and you limit your carbs, you are going to start to feel without energy, and increase carbs one or 2 days a week gives you the fuel, or increase it when you are going to workout hard. Eating carbs or not, just monitor the Calorie intake!!
that happened to me, I had to stop from dieting like 1 month to feel better, if you feel exhausted you can try to increase a little the carbs, see if that helps. That happened to me when i got into a plateu... How much time have you been exercising?
I was stock on a plateu, and I started to eat more for 1 or 2 months, started to diet again and it is working, remember if you hit a plateu it is because you are eating too much under your goal deficit.
If you never excercise or try to go on a diet, you will be waiting forever... at least I prefer slow than never