Fat or loose skin?!?

Well hello! This is my first post, it's been a question of mine for a while even though it's asked so often..here goes, is it fat or skin? I'm normal 5"3 and 117 pounds but I still have so much...flab?!? Is it fat or loose skin






  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I think both. It looks like you're skinny fat... I strongly suggest lifting weights.
  • elmanre
    elmanre Posts: 14
    Looks like fat :) keep going and you can get rid of it
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    bump I have the same problem with mine.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    A bit of both. I have both too.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    I think it is mostly skin. I mean 117 is small. Have u lost a bunch of weight in the past?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Looks like both to me. Although i'd have to wonder... did you lose a high amount of weight in a short amount of time?
  • katzenkey
    Well hello! This is my first post, it's been a question of mine for a while even though it's asked so often..here goes, is it fat or skin? I'm normal 5"3 and 117 pounds but I still have so much...flab?!? Is it fat or loose skin, If it is loose skin since I'm still pretty young will it tighten up? How long will it take and how can I speed it up. I lost 60 pounds in 6 months is that to fast? Is that fast enough to cause a lot of loose skin, and lastly how much skin can be left over?




  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    Definitely loose skin. If you're young it'll slowly slurp back. If you're old it won't and as you get thinner the handbag will get more pronounced.

    I do need to know how you got it though: If it is covered in stretchmarks it won't ping back as well as if it is just stretched skin.

    Just wear support undies and maybe one of those control singlets you can get that pull you inwards, and wait for the skin to get the hint. :)
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh, the "loose skin" myth.

    Yes loose skin exists, but it is nowhere near as prevalent, or as severe, as the vast majority of people think.

    In most cases, if your skin is "loose" after losing a lot of weight, hanging, sagging greatly, it still contains a plethora of fat that has become damaged and disconnected, hanging in skin folds. Obese and very overweight people tend to assume that a certain number on a scale means they've met goal and eliminated the requisite fat. Except no, it's less about weight and more about body fat percentage. You can be at a low weight and still be at a very high body fat percentage if your lean muscle is lacking. Unfortunately many doctors are totally ignorant to this, and many plastic surgeons are making millions off totally unnecessary body lifts.

    You almost never see "loose skin" on skeletally thin people, or extremely lean, athletic people, even the ones who were once very large. When's the last time you saw a person with fully visible six packs and a bag of "skin" hanging off? When truly LEAN people (again not low weight people) have real loose skin, it looks more like a small collection of wrinkled skin so thin that it feels like the skin on the back of your hand.

    OP, you are still far, far too too much fat to have any clue if you have a real issue with substantial loose skin. I'd recommend getting your bodyfat percentage checked by someone reputable.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Oh, the "loose skin" myth.

    Yes loose skin exists, but it is nowhere near as prevalent, or as severe, as the vast majority of people think.

    In most cases, if your skin is "loose" after losing a lot of weight, hanging, sagging greatly, it still contains a plethora of fat that has become damaged and disconnected, hanging in skin folds. Obese and very overweight people tend to assume that a certain number on a scale means they've met goal and eliminated the requisite fat. Except no, it's less about weight and more about body fat percentage. You can be at a low weight and still be at a very high body fat percentage if your lean muscle is lacking. Unfortunately many doctors are totally ignorant to this, and many plastic surgeons are making millions off totally unnecessary body lifts.

    You almost never see "loose skin" on skeletally thin people, or extremely lean, athletic people, even the ones who were once very large. When's the last time you saw a person with fully visible six packs and a bag of "skin" hanging off? When truly LEAN people (again not low weight people) have real loose skin, it looks more like a small collection of wrinkled skin so thin that it feels like the skin on the back of your hand.

    OP, you are still far, far too too much fat to have any clue if you have a real issue with substantial loose skin. I'd recommend getting your bodyfat percentage checked by someone reputable.

    So your saying the 17 lbs. of loose skin I had removed from around my midsection was just body fat??? You may be correct in some cases but there are a vast majority your rule will not apply to and no matter if they take all the right steps, intervention might be there only option....
  • AdrianBry
    AdrianBry Posts: 138 Member
    your first pick is fat. skin is not that thick, skin is the same thickness as the skin on the back of your hand

    that second pick you are grabbing skin
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I wouldn't worry about what it is, I would just start exercising. You can't imagine what it will do for your shape. Don't think diet or surgery, think GYM! Good luck!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I looks to me like you need to concentrate on body- recomposition. You don't necessarily need to lose more weight, but you're aiming to lose body fat percentage. (strength training - even body weight strength training - should be incorporated into your workouts to achieve this)

    Also - You lost weight rather quickly, so it's too soon to see how much your skin will snap back - that takes longer than the actual weight loss.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh, the "loose skin" myth.

    Yes loose skin exists, but it is nowhere near as prevalent, or as severe, as the vast majority of people think.

    In most cases, if your skin is "loose" after losing a lot of weight, hanging, sagging greatly, it still contains a plethora of fat that has become damaged and disconnected, hanging in skin folds. Obese and very overweight people tend to assume that a certain number on a scale means they've met goal and eliminated the requisite fat. Except no, it's less about weight and more about body fat percentage. You can be at a low weight and still be at a very high body fat percentage if your lean muscle is lacking. Unfortunately many doctors are totally ignorant to this, and many plastic surgeons are making millions off totally unnecessary body lifts.

    You almost never see "loose skin" on skeletally thin people, or extremely lean, athletic people, even the ones who were once very large. When's the last time you saw a person with fully visible six packs and a bag of "skin" hanging off? When truly LEAN people (again not low weight people) have real loose skin, it looks more like a small collection of wrinkled skin so thin that it feels like the skin on the back of your hand.

    OP, you are still far, far too too much fat to have any clue if you have a real issue with substantial loose skin. I'd recommend getting your bodyfat percentage checked by someone reputable.

    So your saying the 17 lbs. of loose skin I had removed from around my midsection was just body fat??? You may be correct in some cases but there are a vast majority your rule will not apply to and no matter if they take all the right steps, intervention might be there only option....

    Did you ever take a good look at what your doctor cut off to see if it was all thin skin (like the back of your hand), and not filled to the brim with adipose tissue? Because of all the surgeries I've ever seen for "loose skin" it's ALWAYS filled with fat tissue; huge slabs of fat attached to the skin. I never cease to be amazed at how easily doctors lie to patients, telling them that it's mostly or all skin.

    I have yet to ever see anybody get a body lift or tuck who was 10% or less for men/18% or less for women lean, who clocked 10, 15, 20 pounds of "loose skin". That's not even how skin anatomically works.

    Take a look at this woman. Here is a middle aged woman who had a botched gastric surgery that left her with the inability to stop losing weight. She is a 51 year old white woman who became skeletally thin after losing nearly 200 lbs in one year. Almost all gastric patients are left with mounds of so called "loose skin". But notice what happens with this middle aged woman, who does not have dewy, youthful tight skin, got down to 90 lbs:


    If "loose skin" were as you say for most people, this woman would have been 90 lbs with over a dozen pounds of thin, loose skin hanging all off her once enormous frame. As it stands she's sporting some minor loose skin, mostly from age likely.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I wouldn't worry about what it is, I would just start exercising. You can't imagine what it will do for your shape. Don't think diet or surgery, think GYM! Good luck!

    You are so RIGHT! I lost all my weight too quickly and oh my it was SO ugly! I wish I had "during" photos to show how HORRIBLE the skin/fat on my thighs and arms looked...it was so bad I actually considered gaining the weight back - not kidding!! I started working out with a trainer a few days a week (a benefit at work - so freaking happy they did that) and I walk and elliptical four hours a week and lord my legs look so much better that if you didn't know I was once fat, you wouldn't really guess it.

    Losing pounds might be mostly about diet, but looking good (fit) is mostly about muscle!