I've decided to set out a trap where my new rug is, in hopes that I can catch the cat that keeps stealing it. I will give a status update if it werks!
OMG! I didn't think of this! Surely the OP didn't make the socks out of cats??? Is that why they won't post pics?
I can't access facebook at work! plz post pics?
I'm sorry your socks are stinky. Wash them maybe? But srsly, any link to sock cat toys available?
Wow! A hover cat! Thats a special breed!
That cat has greatupper body strength!
Are you sure that's what it is? I've never heard of that breed of cat.
That looks similar! What breed is that one?
Oh, this seems fun! plsz come back and say how your kittly likes it!
shave yru cat if you are going to use tape measure. fur gets in the way
I am interested in seeing these, but when I went to your website you are out of stock?
i love the name pop tart! I'm so sorry about streudel :( Safe weight loss can be done, and your goal doesn't sound too crazy, don't listen to them! hOw fluffy is pop tart? maybe ifyou shave the fur off that will help?
Plz be careful. Theys dangrous
Good job!!! :smile: