

  • Way to go!! Yiou and I are about the same as far as our weights and goals...let's stay connected:flowerforyou:
  • Yay for you!! I think that is THE BEST FEELING ever and so motivating to keep going!! Thank you for posting that. it keeps the rest of us going:flowerforyou:
  • Me too! If I don't have a set of nails on I will pick and pick and pick...not sure why i do it..but always have. I spose you could wear gloves with fingers for awhile to see if that helps break the habit. Put some lotion on first so your hands will be soft in the gloves too:)
  • was that MLM Diet Magic? by syymetry? we did not sign up to sell it but are documenting the results of it to see if it actually works and lives up to it's promise. Just curious.
  • Thank you Rikki444:smile: We want to share everything about these two there is so much talk of it. Frankly today i was happy to see the scale go down 4 pounds in 1 day. I know its the releasing of toxins and water weight this point. I am eating every 2 hours. its just what i am eating that matters. and…
  • Glad to see everyone has an opinion:) I am a live and let live person. I wont ever critisize what others want to do. So...I respect those of you who are making your efforts. Please respect ours and what we are looking to accomplish. It's a Educational Blog that we are willing to document. The good, The bad and the ugly for…
  • Hello, I am new too! Just trying to figure out this site. I started on here yesterday, but this is my first time using the message boards. Nicen to meet you:):smile: