Grubbmeister276 Member


  • I don't blame you. I think intuition and wisdom told you the best way to deal with the hoa guy was to keep going. You learn quickly, and next time you'll think twice about the forums, as well. Word to the wise: people who insert "assume" into a pleasant conversation are looking to argue. Life is full of occasions where we…
  • I wish I had all the answers, but it sounds like you're on the right track with creatine and protein and considering extra rest. Also, you may want to look into possibilities you are burning through your antioxidants after the first hour of exercise, so teas and coffees may be helpful. You may additionally consider…
  • When I drove an 18-wheeler in 2006-2009, I occasionally had to drive through the night. My body began to outright reject "Monster," because of it's harsh crash the next day or two, along with Striker capsules. I never purchased a Red Bull, so I cannot compare it (and Coke's "Full Throttle" was "full sputter" for…
  • Yes, eyelikepie, thank you for this!!! Everyone here loves this quote, and I think you have crystallized what I had not understood before now...and that's *exactly* *why* I can look back at my reunion two months ago and feel a healthy self-regard (the good kind of "pride"). I was in these same shoes, and I owned the…
  • Maggie, I am in nearly exactly your situation now, and with your reunion on the horizon, I was in exactly your shoes just two months ago... or maybe you're in mine! February was a strange time for a reunion, I know, but since it is a religiously-based college, there is a homecoming every February, and after going the year…
  • Yeah, I got a ride in, it is very hilly here, so don't have to go 9 miles to get a workout, three does the same trick when I'm short on time, but I usually get 6-10 with hills, and have to wear several layers for this projected winter season. Blessings!
  • This guy can't get enough candy-coated chocolate snacks...
  • Yeah, it helps to have a supportive peer system. By the way, if you log on through facebook, it may pull up several of your facebook friends already on here. Nevertheless, social media and sites such as these are changing the way people address exercise;
  • I'm all for a good chiropractic adjustment, but wonder about the whole cracking the thumbs...some people theorize that the more you do this, the more you'll have to keep doing it, but I can't say. My lower back bothers me enough I have to pop it around every morning, and once I do, it is generally good for the whole…
  • Twistygirl: Body builders go out of their way to avoid dairy, which is crazy--especially in the light of new evidence. They are sadly misinformed. Lowfat dairy has been found very effective in binding to fat in the digestive tract and removing it from the body before it ever gets digested, enough to cut the fat processed…
  • I guess I never have bought Vanilla because my introduction to health shakes was a lady I visited in a retirement home whose doctor recommended Ensure--but she said she could hardly swallow the stuff, and she had those Vanilla ones. As I began getting more serious about results and Nutrition and purchased some for…
  • It was chips, particularly Pringles, Lay's Stax, and Doritos, but I've finally moved to Baked, Fat Free, and Even Quaker Oats flavored rice cake snacks when I discovered all my exercise was being pun intended.