

  • I agree with you 2kids, i borrowed the insanity workout set and was exhausted and covered in sweat after just the workout. I concluded that it was for someone who is not considered obese and out of shape(me). it is more for people who are in relatively good shape or just people who are normal weight for their height. that…
  • I was active AF for 6 years and have now been a GS employee for 4 years. I am considering going into the Air Guard in order to get a pension when i turn 60. don't know though, we shall see
  • Environmental Health and Safety Specialist/Occupational Health Program Manager at Hanscom AFB and a Dynamaxx independant distributer.
  • I got a 7, but then again i don't give a crap about what people think of me. Accept me or not, this is me.
  • lets see I commute and hour each way to work and i have a desk job. I get to workout the last 45 minutes of work though. then the drive home. So up at 5:20 am leave for work 5:50 am get to work at 10 till 7:00 am. then work till 3:45 pm work out till 4:30 pm. Drive home and am home by 5:35ish. help around house get to bed…
  • I used the calculator on here to burn 1.5 lbs a day, with a sedentary lifestyle (desk job) with a goal of working out 3x a week for 45 minutes and it told me 1660 calories. I am also doing 20-40 pushups a day (i know not much) I also use a preworkout drink (C4 by cellucor)
  • "Why would they limit weight loss? " because you might be burning of the thrmogenic and the preworkout verus the fat? I don't know this is why i am asking. i saw some site that said you should avoid them for fat loss. It was not a reputable one though.
  • "After all...your car wont go with no gas in it!" My question with this statement is, don't you want to limit your intake so that your body burns your excess fat for energy? It seems like eating way more will prevent your body from burning your fat and will instead burn your food, thus defeating the purpose. I do…
  • Here is what I eat every day: GNC lean shake, Banana, 1 pack of crackers, 1 greek yogurt, 1 pita shell, 1 cup of spinach, 2 slices of cheese, 2 pickle slices 4 slices of chicken breast or ham, a multivitamin, crystal light throughout the day. Then dinner which I typically eat chicken breast, and some sort of side. - I…