The warm up on the video is my workout! EMBARRESSING!!!



  • iamlonelytoes
    iamlonelytoes Posts: 2 Member
    its ok if it only takes you 3 minutes to loose your breath but thats OK. try to step it up a notch and set goals like maybe tomorrow aim for 5 mins instead of three. i tried doing zumba by watching vids at youtube and i loss my breath immediately at the first 5 mins. but i went on. told myself to finish the video even if im doing all the steps wrong as long as i am moving.

    as long as you are sweating then its ok.

    PM me so i can emai you the work out i did. i got it from youtube but the video is down now. 27 mins of easy steps and fun music!!
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    Keep at it and you will see progress.

    My first time boxing I was worn out after the 15 minute cardio workout and was ready to vomit and collapse before the hour session was up. Now, I'm keeping up with everything in the class. Persistence is the key. Stick with it and push a little harder every day. Before you know it you'll be doing the entire video.
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    Keep it up and you will be able to build on what you are doing now!
    Though currently injured, I went from doing Couch to 5K to running a 1/2 marathon!
    Your fitness level will keep on improving! :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • 2kidsandatrip
    2kidsandatrip Posts: 98 Member
    Thank you everyone for you comments, and suggestions I will heed your advice... I took away a little bit of both sides of what people said. I will continue to push myself a little harder, when I began exercising just a couple weeks ago I was only jogging 4 minutes and now have gone as long as 21 minutes, which is a great achievement for me. I actually believe I could go longer, but for some reason my right foot always goes numb and after about 20 minutes I just can't really balance anymore. I have up'd my strength training little by little as well. I will say I ABSOLUTELY HATE squats, LOL. Force myself to do them though.

    I also though as some stated, do not want to push myself to a point of being injured, which would really be problematic. I would like to start incorporating the video's though. I will look some up on youtube and see what I can find... if anyone has any good suggestions of youtube videos please send me the link. :)

    Thanks again!!!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Hey, when I started martial arts, we'd do the warmup and I'd be sweating and gasping for breath and ready to collapse. Then they'd start class and I'd still be bright red and working slowly with someone who didn't mind helping a beginner out.

    It gets better if you keep trying. Just do the warmup, then start the video and go as long as you can. Try and get more time each time :)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I always swear by Rosemary Conley DVDs - she always has someone doing an easy option, someone doing a mid-range nd someone doing more challenging. When I starte out I could do the easy and some moderate, as long as it was only a 20 min workout. Now I can do a 40 min at the higher level. Similarly, when I got Wii zumba 2 I was half-deadl at the end of a short class (about 20 mins), now if I do that with my son I'm only just breaking a sweat - the medium (40 min) class is still a stretch though.

    The way RC does it, when you start doing the routine you don't add in the arms (or only for the most energetic track), don't add any liftetc., then add those moves in as you feel fitter. You could try following one of the workouts like that - keep everything low impact the first few times and slowly build up.
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    I know what you mean about the foot numbness. I had that when I was training for a 10k. My instructors believe it comes from tight hamstrings so definitely stretch those after but NOT before you start jogging and that will eventually go away.

    A really good online resource for workout videos is Fitness Blender. Just look it up online. The videos are all free and they have tonnes of beginner stuff as well as advice through the workouts on good form. Good luck!
  • laceylucas86
    laceylucas86 Posts: 120
    Thank you everyone for you comments, and suggestions I will heed your advice... I took away a little bit of both sides of what people said. I will continue to push myself a little harder, when I began exercising just a couple weeks ago I was only jogging 4 minutes and now have gone as long as 21 minutes, which is a great achievement for me. I actually believe I could go longer, but for some reason my right foot always goes numb and after about 20 minutes I just can't really balance anymore. I have up'd my strength training little by little as well. I will say I ABSOLUTELY HATE squats, LOL. Force myself to do them though.

    I also though as some stated, do not want to push myself to a point of being injured, which would really be problematic. I would like to start incorporating the video's though. I will look some up on youtube and see what I can find... if anyone has any good suggestions of youtube videos please send me the link. :)

    Thanks again!!!

    Hey girl! good for you! I here you on the warm up being the work out lmao! my starting weight was 189 lbs and I was HORRIBLEY out of shape, like taking groceries in the house from my car out of shape, the warm up killed me too, the first day taht I did the entire level one of 30 day a shred I was so red and sweaty and my husbamnd made fun of me and I almost saif EFF this and never did it again, but I got back on the horse the next day and by the time I finished the 30 days shred ( took my 5 weeks in stead of 4 because I did each level 9-10 days to get used to it before moving on to a harder one) the entire video was a JOKE so easy! it's a great video to boost your confidence because you go from zero to 60 (or 60 to zero lol) in a mere month, the progress you see yourself go through feels wicked!
    anyways, sorry for the long ramble the long and short of it is A) everyone has to start someone B) you CAN do it and C) keep up the good work :)
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I tried to start running and literally could not make it a block. I got about a half a block, if I pushed myself. I got back into martial arts, and was sweating so bad during our warm up that people would ask me if I was ok. I stuck with it. My biggest help was learning my pace. With running, I started off very slowly, but it wasn't slow enough. I felt like puking. I slowed it down even more, until I could actually start making some progress. To this day, I'm still what I call a "shuffler", but Sunday I did a 7 mile leg of a relay, and felt so good, I think I should have signed up for the half marathon. My time will never be great, but I get it done. In my martial arts class, I can now do class and then lift weights afterwards. Don't be embarrassed, we've all been there. Quitting is far more humiliating.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    You can totally do exercise DVDs. You may want to start with some less intense ones to get you started. Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds videos are very easy to do, but you will get a good workout, especially if you are starting from scratch. She can be a little annoying, but the videos are effective and aren't complicated or difficult.

    Just do what you can do and improve a little bit each time.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere and you might be surprised how quickly you'll catch up or progress. I'm doing the insanity videos right now and the warm up kills me but I hang in there, do what I can and it gets a tiny bit easier each time. 30 Day Shred is a good one to start with (only 20min), as are some of the other Biggest Loser ones. Try looking them up on Youtube - you can get a lot of Bob Harper and possibly Jillian Michaels on there for free.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    We all have to start somewhere!! About 3 years ago I started walking outside and was pretty pooped after a mile or so. By the end of that year I walked a 10k and now I'm training to run a 10k. And the first time I tried 30 day shred, I thought I was going to die! LOL

    I love that saying about not comparing yourself to anyone but who you were yesterday!! So true!
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    what you are doing is great, if your workout is challenging enough (makes you sweat, makes you tired) then stick with it. if not, then increase the intensity. there is nothing wrong with starting with short and easy work out.
    you can give 30 days shred a try and see if you like it, but if it's too hard, don't worry, you will get there
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    And just because an entire workout is "easy" for someone else..that don't mean it's easy for you. I've been working out for over 20 years. However, Try to get me to run, and I'm done in less than 1/2 heart is out of my chest pounding at 90mph. Don't compare yourself to anyone else.
    If you like your workout and it tires you out a bit, that's great! If you can, step it up a notch...
    After 2 rounds of INSANITY, I still can't do the warmup straight! I do what I can
  • Kori0714
    Kori0714 Posts: 138 Member
    I have never done the 30 day shred work out however i love The Firm workouts. When i first started working out tho i could not complete the whole work out. I would startoff doing the warm up and the first exercise. Once i was able to complete those and not feel like in was going to die i would do the warm up and the next two exercises on the video. So on and so forth until i completed the whole videoI have moved on to even harder workouts with the firm but still use my older ones to mix it up a bit. Just dont give up as long as you keep pushing yourself you will see an improvememt on boht endurance and weight lose. Set goals for both endurance and weight lose and you will feell better about working out. Try keeping track of both as well. There were weeks that i didnt lose any LBS but i was able to complete a longer workout and that kept me motivated! I hoep this helps and Good luck to you. :smile:
  • 2kidsandatrip
    2kidsandatrip Posts: 98 Member
    Thank you all for the suggestions on videos... There are a lot of them that I have never heard off. I can't wait to get home from work and check some of them out. I greatly appreciate it. :) And thank you for the encouragement, this is going to be a long journey, but I feel so much more equipped than I have ever in the past with the support and encouragement of everyone on mfp.
  • chrispmeeks
    chrispmeeks Posts: 14
    I agree with you 2kids, i borrowed the insanity workout set and was exhausted and covered in sweat after just the workout. I concluded that it was for someone who is not considered obese and out of shape(me). it is more for people who are in relatively good shape or just people who are normal weight for their height. that compounded with my plantar fasciatas acting up evertyime i tried it. Fortunaltley my work allows me to use their gym so I ended up using the upright bike for 30 minutes at level 3 (like 5 miles 3x a week) in November and as of last week I do 45 minutes on the bike at level 8 and complete approx 13 miles. In the beginning of April I started lifting weights for 25 minutes and doing it 4x a week. I only started losing weight recently like in the last 3 weeks. I would encourage you to keep doing what your doing. When I am on the bike I increase the resistemce level as soon as the work out feels relatively routine and i don't sweat as much. then i make it harder. There are a few places you can go for in home workouts that are high intensity and around 15 minutes. Once i can get my plantar fasciatus under control i will start with one of these.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    No matter how slow you go you are lapping everyone on the couch.

    It's a motivational saying for runners and walkers too I suppose. But, it still applies. It really doesn't matter how you compare to other people doing those exercises. You are doing much better than you were doing when you were keeping your couch warm. So what if you can only go 5 minutes today and maybe only 5 minutes tomorrow. Eventually you will be able to go on to 10 minutes. And you can add doing different kinds of workouts like the C25k. that's 5 k not the 25 that it looks like lol. yeah I was like wut 25k yikes. Anyway, you can add some slow walking, or fast walking, or slow jogging, or try running eventually. The only thing I see in your way is your confidence.
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    You have lost weight so it is working for you. You could do the 30 day shred no problem.
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    No advice here - just my opinion.

    Why are you embarrassed?

    By taking control an getting up of the couch and starting to exercise you are taking the first steps toward being healthier.

    Who cares if right now you can only do the warm-up - it's an awful lot better than doing nothing!

    Others have offered advice that I would only be repeating so I will say this instead: BE PROUD YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING!

    :happy: :happy: :happy: