The warm up on the video is my workout! EMBARRESSING!!!

So I am new to MFP, I have done diets like WW and such in the past, but this is the first time I did the calorie counting thing and EXERCISE! LOL! Who knew you had to exercise to lose weight and get healthy. WOW! Anyhow, when I started this program just a short couple weeks ago I devised my very own work out routine because I can't afford to go to a gym, don't really know what I'm doing, but thought my work out was sufficient as a beginner. (I did look up the correct way of doing the things I am doing) At this time I usually work out about 5 days a week, I jog in place for 15-20 minutes, do 5 sets of 10 bicep curls, 5 sets of 10 squats, 4-5 minutes of alternating doing 30 seconds jogging in place and 30 seconds jumping jacks, 3 sets of 15 crunches and 5 sets of 10 standing push ups against the wall. Not always in that order, but that's usually what I do.

Well lately I have seen posts about the 30 day shred, zumba or different work out videos that people utilize and so today I thought I should look at one of these videos and see what it's all about. WELLLLL... It hurts my ego a bit and I'm a little embarrassed to say, but I was sadly disappointed as I watched a couple different videos and I came to the realization that the warm up section in these look like they are almost comparable to my entire work out. Is this a problem? Any advise that anyone can give would be much appreciated.

Oh and I suppose my stats would be helpful (maybe) LOL!
Beginning Weight: 273
Started MFP: 263
CW: 258
GW: 170
Height: 5'7


  • idontknowkinda
    You could definitely do 30 day shred.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It's ok to start with what you can do and increase at the rate that you can. But, I would say you are going to need to step it up a notch. Those videos are very easy (and the whole video would be like a warm-up to me). So, if your whole workout is the warm-up to those videos, that can't be a very effective workout in the long term. There are lots of resources to learn from. You will learn a lot in time (and from being here).
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    I think anything that gets you moving is all good. You start where you're comfortable, and you work your way up.

    When I first started with my Tae-Bo videos, I couldn't make it through the basics. Now, after doing it and pushing hard with each work-out, I'm able to finish the advanced (with a lot of swearing at Billy Blanks and sweating, and a little sobbing in there).

    The point is you are starting somewhere and you can only get stronger and more capable with each workout. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself. If you are finding it easier to do your routine, up it! Push a little harder, go a little longer, lift a little heavier...whatever.

    Above all, don't be embarrassed for taking charge of your path to fitness. Be proud that you're doing it.
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    I just started 30 DS today, join me?
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    While it might seem scary, have you thought about lifting? I did 30 day shred, Insanity, and a few others before I started Strong Lifts in April. I am soooo glad I started lifting. I feel better in general, but it has given me the feeling that I can do anything. Sounds weird when I type it, but I feel amazing after I lift. I look forward to it, most days, and crave the high I get from it.

    Your current workout looks ok, but don't be afraid to try another program. 30 day shred killed me when I started and so did Insanity. Everything is hard or looks scary, so don't let that stand in your way OP. There's lots of great sites out there with good beginner programs.
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    then get TAE BO
    Billy Blanks

    if all the other workout are like a warm up. then work with Billy Blanks seriously xD

    or like one of the post said. step it up a notch. doing the same workout just more intense for you to be able to do the workout.

    and i think your body mass is HIGH intensity. which means you need high workout.


    etc. there are more workouts out there that you could try.

    as you get better, they always use like those weight around your wrist or hold the dumbbell. get creative ;D
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    Do the warm-up and push yourself to start the first circuit. Go until you can't do any more. Write down what you did and do it again tomorrow plus a little more if you can. Don't forget to cool down and stretch at the end. With time you'll be able to do the entire day. Push yourself but don't hurt yourself. I'm in the same place you are right now and this is my plan. Good luck!
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    It sounds like you've devised yourself quite a neat wortkout routine and as you get lighter and fitter you can add in things, up reps, etc.

    Don't be afraid to take on some of those DVDs though. I do Zumba on DVD and I love it. When I first started doing it in January this year, I could only do 8 or 9 minutes and I was totally exhausted. Today I just completed my longest session yet at 72 minutes and still have enough in my system to fit in some time on the exercycle.

    I believe this is where the DVDs are fantastic - you don't have to go to a class and sit down or walk out after a few minutes. Just slowly and consistently build up at your own level to the DVDs. It sounds like you have more than enough ability to tackle a DVD exercise program.

    Whatever you do, keep up the great work. :smile:
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Do 30 day shred, if you want. If you can do the warm-up, that means you're ready to start something more challenging.:smile:

    Your current routine is a great start. We all start somewhere. I used to jog in place for 30 minutes in front of my TV. Now, I'm training for a 10k and run exclusively outdoors. It's about starting, then setting higher goals as you get healthier. Nothing to be embarrassed about. You're doing great.
  • Theravenchild
    Hello Dear!

    It's awesome that you've come up with a system where you exercise at home!

    Many of the Zumba videos, Insanity, or the 30 day shred can be almost pushing it for a beginner. I think you are wise to start on what would be the Zumba "warm ups" because those are really what right now you're building up to. But looking at your exercise routine, I'm seeing that you do a lot more than just the warm up! You get in a lot of cardio, and a ton of strength training. You're getting in what you need with your work out, and not pushing yourself to the breaking point.
    I'm a beginner with actually exercising (even though I've done a ton of health research!) and I tried Insanity with one of my friends, and it is way too tough for me. I need a warm up for the warm up!
    To sum it all up, your exercise routine looks great! When you start to feel comfortable with this, bump it up a bit - make sure you are always feeling a burn ;) - but don't try to push yourself too hard by doing something you're not ready for. It looks like you're well on your way to your goal!
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    While it might seem scary, have you thought about lifting? I did 30 day shred, Insanity, and a few others before I started Strong Lifts in April. I am soooo glad I started lifting. I feel better in general, but it has given me the feeling that I can do anything. Sounds weird when I type it, but I feel amazing after I lift. I look forward to it, most days, and crave the high I get from it.

    Your current workout looks ok, but don't be afraid to try another program. 30 day shred killed me when I started and so did Insanity. Everything is hard or looks scary, so don't let that stand in your way OP. There's lots of great sites out there with good beginner programs.

    Good advice. Try new things and don't be afraid to push yourself a little. Not too far because you don't want to injure yourself, obviously...but challenging yourself will only help your success in the long run. Good luck!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yeah, this all good advice!
  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    You are new to exercising and deserve congratulations for getting out there and moving. Do what you can for now and step it up when you can.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Keep at it and you will see progress.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Remember, the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself (yesterday). If you can wake up each day and honestly say you are getting fitter/stronger/faster/lighter/more muscular (whatever your goal is really) then you're on the right track.

    Your workout may be their warm up right now, but keep at it and keep pushing yourself by adding in more reps/time/weight etc. then one day you might wake up and realise that their workout is your warmup.
  • hellokeeters
    hellokeeters Posts: 11 Member
    My first day of the 30 day shred, I was seriously dying half way through but didn't give up. A week later, I'm like "It's over already?!" You will be so proud of yourself for doing it and feel so much better. Don't give up!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Remember, the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself (yesterday). If you can wake up each day and honestly say you are getting fitter/stronger/faster/lighter/more muscular (whatever your goal is really) then you're on the right track.

    Your workout may be their warm up right now, but keep at it and keep pushing yourself by adding in more reps/time/weight etc. then one day you might wake up and realise that their workout is your warmup.

    ^ This. Great job OP!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I think what you do sounds pretty vigorous. And, if you are comfortable with it, and doing it regularly, stick with it. When the time comes, you may want to do more.
    What you should not do is try to keep up with, maybe, people you cannot keep up with, or do something just because others can so you feel you should.
    We all start at our own place.
    Too many people try to do more than they are able, and, maybe they do it for a bit. But, then they start not to like it, because it is too hard for them. Going to the gym becomes a daunting prospect, and they stop.
    That would be much worse.
    Keep things where you are comfortable and enjoy it. In the long run, that is so much better.
  • Jewels_in_the_rough
    Jewels_in_the_rough Posts: 39 Member
    I just want to point out that you ARE losing weight. I don't really know the time frame, or if it is at the rate you want it, but something you are doing is working. You've lost 15 pounds! Keep it up, and change or add to your routine as you feel necessary. Keep up the good work!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Just push yourself to do better than you did tomorrow.

    *30 Day Shred is very high impact and has been known to cause lower-body stress injuries in even athletic people, so begin with care, do not think you have to do the 30 days consecutively, and don't try to keep up with the video if you don't feel like you can. Do it at a pace which feels natural and in which you can maintain your form. Otherwise, you risk injury ... then you really won't be able to work out.