

  • My heart rate range is 118 to 155..I primarily stay closer to the 150's when I'm on cardio machines or when I'm running I actually blow past that to the 170's. I really was more curious as to how hard I was working during some of the classes I take and when I switch to weights. I have learned ways to keep my heart rate…
    in HRM BS Comment by goddesskde June 2011
  • Oh and am I the only one that consistently goes over on sugar? If I eat even 1 piece of fruit it seems to put me over for the day. Is this something I should worry about or just ignore it?
  • My calorie limit is set at 1200 calories currently and yes I believe it's at a 2lb a week loss. I try to eat back my exercise calories, but well, I don't seem to trust what it says I burn at the gym..I know it's just me being neurotic but I can't seem to shake the idea that I'm not really burning all that much. I bought a…
  • I use mine to monitor my heart rate.. Funny huh, but I like to see that I am staying in my zone during the entire workout to optimize my cadio and fat burning. I can't do that without one unless i stop and count the beats every-so-often.
    in HRM BS Comment by goddesskde June 2011
  • When my shin splints are bothering me I lay off of any impact exercise.. Bikes are ok and elliptical is fine as long as it doesn't hurt. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation are all key to heal them up properly.
  • That would be a shin splint. They hurt really really really bad. http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/shin-splints That's an article about them. I suffer frequently from them. I am currently trying compression socks and I went to a local store called fleet feet and was fitted for new running shoes. They recorded me while…