

  • Try Play It Again Sports for quality used equipment.
  • Here's a recipe from Whole foods that I like. Be sure to cook the cauliflower very soft- I steam mine. I use a small food processor. You can also sub frozen for fresh. I also add lo-fat cream cheese instead of cream. Mashed Cauliflower Serves 4 Mashed cauliflower tastes similar to mashed potatoes but reduces the…
  • What is the brand, and where did you find it?
  • 1-2 cups? Awesome! I am gonna be so healthy! LOL
  • I think if what your pedometer is recording is regular daily activity, then don't record it. If it is extra activity, like walking to the store instead of driving, then make it exercise.
  • You look great! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • I have the same problem with the 'treats' at work. I have found that I don't really want a whole 'treat', I just want to taste it. So, I have been cutting off just a bite of what I want. It's still a high calorie bite, but not a whole portion. And, it has rubbed off on my coworkers. Instead of taking a whole piece of…
  • How about when you're on the phone? Or in the bathroom? I swear the world was about to end as soon as the phone rang!
  • That sounds about right. Also, tell your friend not to get too discouraged with her weight loss. For some women, breastfeeding just melts the pounds away. Not me! I breastfed both of my children an average of two years, and didn't really lose the weight until they were weaned. Within one month of weaning, I lost fifteen…
  • Yes! Yes! Yes! 5' 11" here, and at my thinnest was 170 ( now 208). Almost fit into a size 10, felt very healthy. I was running 15-24 miles a week then. My friend who does Weight Watchers said I should weigh 155. There is no way! I would look like a walking hipbone! Now, my sister, who is one year younger and one inch…