

  • My brother is younger than I, all his weight in his belly but is blind from Diabetes and is slowly headed toward a wheelchair from his Neuropathy. Congrats to you! It is so liberating not taking all those pills anymore. I was borderline insulin dependent. I empathize! Thank you!
  • No, he is in GREAT SHAPE. He is 40 and looks about 32. He is a very good looking man. He prefers larger women. Ugh. ;) Thank you for your input!
  • We are not married. He would like to but, I do not. In all honesty, before him I was a victim of DV for a long time and marriage is not in my cards at this point however, he does act as a spouse and I put the "Support" portion in quotes as that is what my real issue is. He started off supportive but, it is changing...thank…
  • Hitting the nail on the head!
  • Right! He is a BF but we live together for the last 3 years. He is driving me nuts with it. I do not want to get married again..sorry for the confusion!
  • I am wheat free. Causes me issues I make a smoothie from a paleo recipe and do alot of egg whites(omelettes full of veggies) and homemade granola. Bacon, is a big one too. I follow a site called Elana's Pantry. She uses alot of Almond Flour in her recipes. I made a Pecan Raisin bread…
  • I was 315 pounds in November. Now am 270 in April. Wanting to get to 215 by November. ;) I soo understand! LOL Just started using MFP yesterday (was on Lose It) and am at 1380 calories/day and use the elliptical(35 min) and swim(30-45 min)a minimum of 3 times a week. This is slow going! Ha! Any advice or support is much…