

  • I have heard of vacuums, no harm in giving them a try I suppose. Otherwise I guess I'll cut back on the ab work for a while. Thank you for the input from those of you who don't think I have dysmorphia. :)
    in Bulky Abs Comment by maskedshoo May 2014
  • Okay, no I am not fishing for compliments. I didn't want to post a photo but no one would give me advice until I did. I want my abs to go in, not stick out. Does anyone have any advice on how to accomplish that?? Any ideas on the breathing thing I mentioned earlier? Is it really just from bad posture?
    in Bulky Abs Comment by maskedshoo May 2014
  • Never added a photo before, lets see if this works...
    in Bulky Abs Comment by maskedshoo May 2014
  • Nooooooo, don't say that!
    in Bulky Abs Comment by maskedshoo May 2014
  • I am 5'4" and 115lbs. Bust: 33" Underboob: 27" Waist: 24" Hips: 35.5" Thigh: 20"
  • I take a buttload of midol for the cramps. Skip the first day (heaviest for me) but exercise the rest of them. Allow myself to indulge in chocolate when I crave it. Don't weigh myself or look in the mirror for 5 days.... :l
  • Labyrinth! David Bowie <3
  • You or anyone can add me if you want, my dairy is open to friends :) I try to experiment with healthy recipes on days when I have time, but sometimes I just eat whatever I can scrounge up. I log everything.
  • Chia seeds. Trust me. It's a gelatinous fiber so it helps clear out all of that nasty stuff that sticks to the sides of your colon too. Eat a tablespoon of them a day and you will start pooping so much more. They're very filling and keep cravings at bay too!