

  • Check with your physical therapist first before you start swimming. When my lower back was injured, I had to be really careful with front crawl, making sure to hold my abs in to protect my back. Otherwise, my back would ache after swimming. I found backstroke to be doable. My physical therapist also let me use elliptical…
  • No, you shouldn't. The New England Journal of Medicine reported on big clinical trial in Spain that showed the Mediterranean diet, supplemented with either more olive oil or extra nuts, cut the incidence of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease by 30 percent. There are numerous other studies that show health…
  • There is still a lot of controversy over consuming coconut oil (see, e.g., http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/coconut-oil-and-health). I wouldn't trust the health claims unless you actually find the medical journal and learn about the number of people they studied. Several things worth mentioning: 1. Coconut oil is full of…
  • The studies that showed diet sodas to cause various health problems found soda water to be fine. You can buy a relatively inexpensive soda water system where you fill it with tap water and use co2 cartridges. Then you can add a bit of flavor--such as a splash of juice as someone above suggested, or make your own soda…
  • The coconut milk that comes in a can is probably not great for you, but I think they are referring to the coconut milk that is sold in the refrigerated section near the almond milk. This stuff generally has no cholesterol, though the amount of calcium varies by brand. For example, 1 cup of Silk coconut milk has 0 mg of…
  • I've had to cut back on gluten due to it exacerbating my IBS. I found that the easiest place to take the bad carbs out was at breakfast. Eggs and fruit or fruit and yogurt, with a stick of string cheese and tea is a good breakfast for me. I eat lunch at work. I pick out a frozen entree that isn't loaded with carbs. I like…