ewegner Member


  • Just saw an article posted about something negative regarding herbalife headquarters/manufacturers...check it out before continued use!
  • it will ultimately depend on your body(age, weight, height, etc) and how much you are exerting during the class..but when I put all effort into a 45 zumba class, my hrm usually reads anywhere from 400-550 calories burned... I am 29, 155 lbs, 5'6... Liz
  • I was in your shoes about 2 years ago and am trying to get back into it again now. I was 215, got down to 145, then got Prego..looking to get back to being active and healthy, for real! Glad you are recovered and still have good spirits! Bring on the funny! :D
  • Feel free to add me! Im on here everyday and know how great support can help :) Liz
  • Love this!!! Awesome job, so much to be proud of and definitely a motivation for others, including me :)
  • Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks...it's been stressful here. I see that everyone is staying active and learning whether they are having boys or girls...so exciting! Congrats to everyone who is finding out, feeling their babies move, and staying healthy. :) Last weekend we had our gender reveal…
  • Name: Liz Hubby/Partner: Ray How many kids do you have: 1 child, 2 years old Due Date: July 9th, 2012 Do you know the gender: Note yet -- we find out on Feb. 22nd, but we're waiting til the 26th to do the gender cake! Have you picked out the baby's name: Won't decide until we know boy or girl. Where do you live: Tinley…
  • hey everyone! I've been using mfp since January 2011 and lost 60 lbs before getting pregnant with my 2nd child! I'm due July 2012, please add me so I have some preggo support and not gain as much as my last pregnancy (50 lbs).
  • Ok this is my "Get back on track week"... 1. Do Wii Ea Active 3x this week 2. Run at least 2-3 days and/or 6 miles 3. Stay under my calorie goal EVERYDAY Thanks for starting this post - I hope this is my way to get back in the game :)
  • I honestly just hate all of the GREASE from regular bacon. Oscar Mayer makes a lower sodium turkey bacon - and although there are many additives, what doesn't have that nowadays. I hear that buying center cut regular bacon is the best - still high in fat, but not as bad as the cheaper cuts. I say, if you don't eat it that…
  • I've been feeling like this too lately..cant seem to get full, constantly munching on food and not always the 'good stuff'...and knowing itls not right! I've come so far and I'm only 5 lbs away from my goal, so why now??? I think we all go through this. Maybe it just seems too hard, maybe you're so close and afraid to just…
  • I was wondering the same thing last week. I did take 3 days off, but still made sure I walked at a moderate pace for 45 min a day and claned like a crazy lady, so is that considered rest? I couldnt just not do anything cause my mindset is so stuck in this routine (that and I too was down to 1200 calories a day). However,…
  • EA Active - all 3..I contribute eating better and strictly doing those games to losing 52 lbs so far...AWESOME interval training and will help with your endurance and strength.
    in Wii Games Comment by ewegner July 2011
  • Chicken Pasta Primavera
  • I am hoping to get pregnant soon and would love to be fit and active throughout my entire pregnancy! And share ideas on continuing to eat healthy! Please feel free to friend me! :) Liz
  • for dairy - try sargento reduced sodium cheese sticks, non-fat greek yogurt (awesome with fruit and a little honey), cottage cheese (with fruit for a snack), low fat milk. When fruit isn't in season, I get those Del Monte fruit cups - 100% juice for a snack and my fruit intake, bananas are an easy snack, as well as any…
  • I'm on everyday - feel free to add me! :)
  • feel free to add me! I'm on here everyday and do my best - I'll be sure to motivate and offer encouragement! :)
  • feel free to add me as well. I'm on everyday and definitely owe this website and the members lots of thanks for helping me lose almost 50 lbs! I'd love to be a supporter! :)
  • I have so many...since I eat every 3 hours I need little yummy filling snacks- I love that you posted this thread cause I'm always looking for new ideas! Here's a few of mine: 1. Roasted red pepper hummus with wasa flatbread or veggies 2. Sargento low sodium cheese stick & trader joe savory mini crackers 3. Wheat thin…
  • I know everyone says to measure instead of weigh, but I've lost 42 lbs in 5 months and have onlt lost 1 inch off my legs, 0.5 inches off my arms, and 2 inches off my waist. If that was all I was going by to motivate me to keep going I wouldve quit already. Last time I lost alot of weight, the inches came off and it was…
  • I've recently made a recipe similar as well and I sauteed green pepper and onion with the ground turkey. Added black beans to the mixture before layering, and then you can serve it with shredded lettuce, tomatoes, and light sour cream! and/or pico de gallo. SOOOO GOOD and semi-healthy :) I'm so glad I can still eat stuff…
  • Thanks - no grill for us, unfortunately...but we do have a panini press that I just might take out of the closet tonight! :happy:
    in Pork Chops Comment by ewegner May 2011
  • I love those days when you have to step off and repeatedly get on the scale just to make sure the number is right! That is awesome! Good for you!!!!!! :):tongue:
  • lately I've been motivated by new singles by Kesha, Black Eyed Peas, Colby Cailet, Glee soundtracks, and Adele. The beats in the songs allow me to keep a steady pace while running or doing cardio. I just search on iTunes store for current singles and then choose from there.
  • Ok - for those who say they have a "free day" - are we talking we eat whatever we want without counting anything?! I would think even when zig-zagging (eating your usual fat-loss level of calories, then taking 2 days where you eat above that number to "confuse" your metabolism) I would be watching my fat, sodium, and carb…
  • Totally agree with the fact that I haven't lost for just one week - not necessarily a plateau, but hard to think it's not going to be the start of one since I've lost every week since now! I guess i'm just getting prepared to try something different in case my usual routine doesn't continue to show results. I am currently…
  • in response to Alvin- "Now that's me. My question is, are you just as rigorous now as you were in Jan. - Mar.? I know after I got back from a month on holiday in March, I found it hard to regain the discipline and I have not yet got down to the "fighting trim" (LOL) I achieved just before I left. " I am doing just as much…
  • I'm a mom of an 18th month old, and a member of MFP since January 2011. The weight has been coming off pretty steadily, but not the inches - which it's usually the other way around! I've finally noticed a difference in my lower belly the last few weeks, but definitely wish I can get rid of it altogether. I may try…
    in Moms Comment by ewegner April 2011