

  • Since you weigh 124 thats really an awesome weight !! Also you are getting a lot of exercise . 1200 calories might not be enough for you . I am going to weight watchers and they have a point system . It is too low for me . I had a fitness coach tell me don't go below 1568 calories on any diet . If I eat 1200 calories ( or…
  • That happened to me too. I stayed at the same weight for a long time . Then when I finally started losing I lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks , after 5 weeks I gained a pound . I have only lost 9 pounds in 5 weeks. However what I was told was I needed to actually eat more calories like 200 to 400 more per day for about 5 days to…
  • Wow that is awesome !!! You look great !!! What did you do to lose the weight ? I have been trying for three years and can't seem to stay with a program .
  • I have to exercise and eat right to lose even two pounds a week. I try to stay around 1200 to 1300 calories even if I do exercise and burn 300 to 700 calories because I will lose more weight . I weigh 167 now and it is recommended that I eat just 1200 . So whatever it recommends I would stick close to that and keep…
  • I just started again to lose weight but I am a lifetime member with weight watchers . I still need to lose 26 pounds to get back to that goal. I would not recommend the Atkins to anyone . I know people that have lost 100-150 pounds , however once they start eating bread and carbs they put it all back on . I am trying for…