too much exercise as I cant eat all those calories?

Hey guys I am getting my head around eating some of the calories burned through exercise which I am trying to do so I have tracked it in a diary for the last 5 days and to me it seems crazy to eat high calories! I know if I eat between 1200 to 1400 a day I can maintain my weight with no exercise so here is my workings out and see what you think, where am I going wrong? Or is this right?!

Day 1 intake 1186
Burned 172 = 1014

Day 2 Intake 1160
Burned 420 = 740

Day 3 Intake 1890
Burned 655 = 1235

Day 4 Intake 1715
Burned 703 = 1012

Day 5 Intake 1425
Burned 792 = 633

Now most days when I exercise alot I am trying to up may cals as on day 3 and 4 but eating arounf 1800 cals seems way too much food!

On an average this works out at 926 a day intake which is low but I cant eat any more and dont want to cut back on exercise or should I??

I walk alot, I do 3/4 fitness classes high int a week and currently on 30 shead! Also the odd half hour in the gym if early to classes....

Please help I cant get my head around if I am right or wrong!xx


  • Jo_Bird
    Jo_Bird Posts: 38 Member
    This is where a handful of walnuts or almonds could help you. High in good calories. :)
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I eat half of my exercise calories at MOST.

    Are you sure you're burning that much? Do you have a heart rate monitor?

    With your amount of exercise I would do 1500-1600 a day and see how you lose :smile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I know if I eat between 1200 to 1400 a day I can maintain my weight with no exercise

    you must be super tiny or really really sedentary to be 27 and have a maintenance metabolism between 1200 and 1400 calories.

    What's your height, weight, and activity level?
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I know if I eat between 1200 to 1400 a day I can maintain my weight with no exercise

    you must be super tiny or really really sedentary to be 27 and have a maintenance metabolism between 1200 and 1400 calories.

    What's your height, weight, and activity level?

    Agreed. That doesn't sound right...
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    umm, I take in 900 calories a day and burn 200-300 a day, and I am not worried one bit about eating those calories and have not been in starvation mode at all, as you can see from my stats. I keep the right balance of protein and carbs so I burn fat constantly.
  • beautiful4ever
    I have to exercise and eat right to lose even two pounds a week. I try to stay around 1200 to 1300 calories even if I do exercise and burn 300 to 700 calories because I will lose more weight . I weigh 167 now and it is recommended that I eat just 1200 . So whatever it recommends I would stick close to that and keep exercising and eat the same calories . This is just my input. Try it and see you may want to eat 100 to 300 calories but good food .
  • 13weekweightloss
    I go to a weight class where you weigh in once a week, we have a reading done my a scales that you stand on bare footed and it reads your fat % water, body mass etc, from this I know my cal intake, I know if I eat bad I can put on weight so easily, my metablic rate is very low compared to others I know...
    I weigh 10.2 stone
    and exercise about 3/4 hours in fitness classes, walk the dog at least 5 hours a week and any extra in the gym maybe an hour or more if I cant make the classes....!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    oh yea, also, these calories burned on MFP are very over-inflated. A HRM will be the accurate way to tell you how much you really are burning.
  • 13weekweightloss
    So stick to what Im exercising and eat between 1200 to 1400 a day?
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    You didn't say if you were losing, not losing, trying to lose, etc.

    Everyone is different, but everyone also eats different. If you are eating a nutrient dense diet, (lots of fresh and whole foods w/minimized presence of processed foods) it is possible that you don't need to eat anymore than you are. I actually stick to a range of calories rather than worrying about how much I can eat day in and day out. And for the most part, this works fine for me. On higher caloric burn days, I'll eat to the upper end, and on a day like today, where I won't burn so many, I stick to the lower end. Seems to work fine for me.

    Stick to what you are doing for another week or so. If the scale doesn't move, just bump it up 100 cals per day. That can make all the difference in the world.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So stick to what Im exercising and eat between 1200 to 1400 a day?

    That doesn't sound right. You can't use empirical evidence as a foundation when it's not YOUR empirical evidence. I.E. I know luv2ash means well, but her body is completely different from yours, and you can't use her metric for your weight loss attempts. I'm not going to comment on luv2ash's technique since she didn't ask, but really, it would help us to give you a better opinion if we had your statistics at the very least.
  • 13weekweightloss
    I have added them above!

    I weigh 10.2 stone

    I am 5.3 in height

    and exercise 3/4 hours in classes, walk the dog at 20min per mile at about 5/7 hours a week and the odd gym session if i miss a class or have half hour spear before bmi is just outside 25 so on the lower end of the loss if that helps, and yes I want to lose! Thankyou!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I weigh roughly 10.4 stones and Im currently at a 1400cal a day. I was doing between 1200-1300 when I began I upped the calories just to make sure I continued loosing and so I wouldnt get dizzy (just for FYI MFP tells me to eat 1350cals) I still managed to loose 2 more lbs this past 2 weeks (I think it was 2 weeks) Im down 29 lbs!!! Men and women are different what is good for a male is not for a female. I however would not go below 1200 JMO.

    Oh and Im 5'4"
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I have added them above!

    I weigh 10.2 stone

    I am 5.3 in height

    and exercise 3/4 hours in classes, walk the dog at 20min per mile at about 5/7 hours a week and the odd gym session if i miss a class or have half hour spear before bmi is just outside 25 so on the lower end of the loss if that helps, and yes I want to lose! Thankyou!

    so let's call you lightly active, maybe a little less (you didn't say what you do for work, so it's tough to guess). Your maintenance should be between 1700 and 1800 calories. If you're maintaining at 1200 to 1400 without exercise, then there's something else going on (what that is, I don't know, could be starvation mode, could be a metabolic condition, could be almost anything). Do you have any medical conditions that you didn't mention?

    so what happens if you try to eat at about 1700 for 2 months? That's one way to see whether you're in starvation. Initially you might gain a couple of lbs, but you should level off relatively quickly, and then you'd be able to lose on 1400 or 1500 (I wouldn't go beyond about a 250 to 300 calorie deficit at your weight)
  • 13weekweightloss
    I am a mobile beauty therapist so out and about all day 6 days a week, I used to eat around 1700 - 1800 cals and put on weight, thats why I lowered the calories and upped the exercise, from the reading I have had done at least 15 times over 2 years my metabolic rate has always ben low regardless of what exercise I do etc, maybe I do just have a low metabolic rate, I dunno, I has asthma which is controlled with steriod inhaler during winter and just a preventer in the summer.....
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I am a mobile beauty therapist so out and about all day 6 days a week, I used to eat around 1700 - 1800 cals and put on weight, thats why I lowered the calories and upped the exercise, from the reading I have had done at least 15 times over 2 years my metabolic rate has always ben low regardless of what exercise I do etc, maybe I do just have a low metabolic rate, I dunno, I has asthma which is controlled with steriod inhaler during winter and just a preventer in the summer.....

    Yep, cortical steroid medicine can absolutely have an effect on weight.

    I would talk to your doctor about it, see if there's anything you can do to counteract this. I'm not sure lowering calories is the right way (I truly mean I'm not sure, I don't know one way or the other, it may well be)
  • 13weekweightloss
    Thankyou some interesting info, I do carry weight on my stomach, I can tone it but never get rid completly, I will keep this in mind, I think I will keep my calories up and see how I get on!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    yeah im with SHboss.

    doesnt sound right at all.

    i'm 183cm and 83 kg (6feet and 183lbs). My current maintenance im finding
    Any lower and the weight comes off...

    I sit in an office allll day. workout between 5 and 8 times a week. 20minute sessions.

    But i also eat 5 times minimum per day...basically 500 cal's per meal, or close to that.

    What are your eating habbits?

    If you can eat eat suiper regularly, like every 2.5-3hours you should be able to increase your BMR and hence be able to east more...
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    There is a lot of back and forth on this website about eating/not eating exercise calories etc. But I find it very interesting there is not a lot of conversation about nutrition...and most sources agree that is a much bigger part of the weight loss equation than exercise.

    Your diet should be based on fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, reduced fat dairy, healthy fats (nuts/EVOO/etc.) and whole grains. So the question I have, is what does your diet look like?