

  • You will need some hand weights. I started with 2 pounds then worked up to 5 and so on. You could start with a 16oz can from your pantry depending on your present fitness level. It's a fun workout....I like that it's time efficient!
  • So glad that you made it through your surgery and that you are still here for the children you obviously love so much. You're on the path to good health...praying that you will continue on...not beating yourself up for what you can't change but seeing the potential in each day! Hugs to you!
  • According to " While the 30 Day Shred is a challenging workout for varying fitness levels, the total calories burned will depend on your starting weight and fitness level. If you currently weigh approximately 150 lbs., you will burn about 167 calories during a 20-minute workout." Read more:…
  • I'm new too - thanks to my friend Debra! I lost 20 pounds using Weight Watchers and Zumba but have gradually allowed it all to creep back on in the past year...just failure ot plan and a new boyfriend who adds activity to my zoo I call a life. But I'm aware and glad to be going back down the path of healthy living. I'm a…
  • Welcome Prisilla! So glad you are committed to making a healthy life for yourself!